What is Judaism And Why (Page 2)

vaporize53: Not judging just observing and then inquiring. Why do jews promote miscegenation of the White Race but not theirs?
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Judaism was not the first religion and nor was it to be the last. It's chief significance is that it spawned Christianity and Islam.
9 years ago Report
vaporize53: So? Why do they denigrate our race with propaganda about race mixing? Why are we called goyem which means cattle?
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Why do you care what fifteen million Jews think when the total population of the planet is seven billion?
9 years ago Report
vaporize53: When so much media , financial and global order is controlled by so few ; one needs to question their authority.
9 years ago Report
Fernanda Oliveira
Fernanda Oliveira: look I believe the following origin of Christianity and Islam came but the Jews.
so as I believe that salvation is of the Jews.
The media influences a lot, but people forget how were persecuted Jews forget the Holocaust in Germany, the Inquisition in Portugal and in Spain doing the escape and adopt even other names not to be killed.
I think it is rather a people chosen by God and that we should love and pray for them but also respect him leaving the judgment to God.
9 years ago Report
Fernanda Oliveira
Fernanda Oliveira: I believe in the Torah because it predates Christianity and binds to another.
love and care not only Jews, but all the people because that is what God teaches to love one another as if it were ourselves.
Love Arabs, Hindus, Americans, etc ...
But salvation is of the Jewish
9 years ago Report
vaporize53: I don't buy that. 20 million Christian Slavs were killed under Stalin. Ever heard about that? I don't feel they were "chosen" although they might.
9 years ago Report
Fernanda Oliveira
Fernanda Oliveira: I respect your opinion, but that does not change anything
9 years ago Report
Fernanda Oliveira
Fernanda Oliveira: since the beginning of history of the Jewish people they are rejected and suffer
why now be any different?
but the bigger and better is with them always
so .. Why fear?
9 years ago Report
vaporize53: Live and let live. Aryan is sanskrit for Noble. Our Nobility has been taken advantage of for many years.
9 years ago Report
Fernanda Oliveira
Fernanda Oliveira: What people must understand is only respect and not judge as most do.
I have not the courage to put a curse word to this people ...
for who curse Israel will be cursed hard not by human
but by God
and God is not mocked, for He is not toy!
9 years ago Report
Fernanda Oliveira
Fernanda Oliveira: why people have such anger of the Jews? or israel?
will be jealous of God?
or envy?
9 years ago Report
vaporize53: Niether. We want a homeland as well. Again too much control for so few. What's going on here?
9 years ago Report
Fernanda Oliveira
Fernanda Oliveira: ask God !!!
when God is silent no use fighting God
we must lay up treasures in heaven not on earth ...
when we are near to God will not take any of that land.
9 years ago Report
chay chayi
chay chayi: Jews are today only 15 million, but you forgot that God is only 1 .....
9 years ago Report
Fernanda Oliveira
Fernanda Oliveira: who can give numbers are 15 or 300 million?
if God Himself said that multiply the seed of Abraham as the sand of the sea and the sky of stars?
9 years ago Report
Fernanda Oliveira
Fernanda Oliveira: sometimes people think and curses his own blood his own people without realizing that is also part of the same body
9 years ago Report
Fernanda Oliveira
Fernanda Oliveira: I am against violence and bloodshed being innocent or not
only those who can judge is God.
but our real struggle is not to be against each other is not flesh against flesh.
our struggles are spiritual forces against the male powers
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: What "male powers" are these?
9 years ago Report
Fernanda Oliveira
Fernanda Oliveira: evil forces
9 years ago Report
Fernanda Oliveira
Fernanda Oliveira: which induces us to do wrong, we have to ask for strength and insight to God
not to let deceive us, wanting to put us against each other
9 years ago Report
Fernanda Oliveira
Fernanda Oliveira: Satan wants to put all against, and cause chaos in the world, hidden forces that we must have God-given wisdom to do what Satan wants he loves suffering, death, confusion.
God is love is peace
9 years ago Report
Fernanda Oliveira
Fernanda Oliveira: have the same origin ... we were created for the same purpose, we can not hate each other.
If we are made in God's image,
God is love, the gift of love from God.
who says he loves God and hates his neighbor is lying.
9 years ago Report
Fernanda Oliveira
(Post deleted by Fernanda Oliveira 9 years ago)