What is Judaism And Why

chay chayi
chay chayi: Judaism is the point of the creation, God's holy spirit, his commands and rules are the way of life and holiness. God's chosen means that they have the clean right holy soul that God's spirit will dwell in his soul, There is no way to know the truth and be close and one with God only through Judaism. There is no religion only Judaism, anything else is Satanism and evil
9 years ago Report
(Post deleted by chay chayi 9 years ago)
The13th: Now I see the what and the why.
9 years ago Report
Fernanda Oliveira
Fernanda Oliveira: why not leave judgment to God do?
instead of arguing about silly things? the wise do not argue with a foolish
And the same way we judge we will be judged.
Love more, forgive more, fret less.
God bless you.
(Edited by Fernanda Oliveira)
9 years ago Report
The13th: Wireclub might disintegrated if we don't stuff it with all the silly stuff, starting with chayiii.
9 years ago Report
sprocket girl
sprocket girl:
thank you for posting your faith and clarifying it better. for gentiles it is sometimes difficult to learn about Judaism.
9 years ago Report
chay chayi
chay chayi: sp
Peace, Shaloom
9 years ago Report
The13th: Now sprocky, u r biased. Certainly electrician's 25th hr insight into Jews is revolutionary and certainly worth some academic consideration.
9 years ago Report
sprocket girl
sprocket girl:
I read "that every man who visited and then left Abraham's tent, and every woman who spent time and left Sarah's tent, had learned something about The Lord, and went away blessing the God of Abraham."

seems so wonderful how Abraham was chsoen by God to lead people away from worshipping idols.

Chayiii did Abraham know of God all his life, or was it when he was older?

shalom ( is the Hebrew writing šālōm? if not, no disrespect is intended)
9 years ago Report
chay chayi
chay chayi: Yes it is, its a Hebrew word, and it means, peace
Abraham started to know God when he was 3 years old, some say by 40
9 years ago Report
PequenaTha: Reza-se diariamente durante a novena:
Santíssima Trindade, Pai, Filho e espírito× Santo, eu Vos agradeço todos os favores e todas as graças com que enriquecestes a alma de vossa serva× Teresinha do Menino Jesus, durante os 24 anos que passou na terra.
E pelos méritos de tão querida Santinha, concedei-me a graça que ardentemente× Vos peço (... faça aqui o pedido ...) se for conforme a vossa santíssima vontade e para a salvação de minha alma.

Rezam-se em seguida:
24 vezes "Glória ao× Pai, ao Filho e ao× Santo, assim como era no princípio, agora e sempre, por todos os séculos dos séculos. Amém!"
Pode-se acrescentar a cada "Glória ao Pai", a jaculatória:
"Santa Teresinha do× Jesus, rogai por nós!"

E para finalizar:
1 Pai-Nosso
1 Ave Maria
9 years ago Report
The13th: Sure Pequena, I love you too, without a doubt :-)
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: What, actually, is so wrong with worshipping idols? Stupid yes, but it's hardly in the same league as chopping somebody's head off in the name of God.
9 years ago Report
chay chayi
chay chayi: You dummy fool, idol worshipers burned and slaughterd their children to those idols
(Edited by chay chayi)
9 years ago Report
Fernanda Oliveira
Fernanda Oliveira: God does not support idolatry. why I have to support?
9 years ago Report
The13th: It depends on which gods you are talking about. Some gods are idols.
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Chayiii, I seem to remember an old story about some chap who was prepared to kill his son because he believed God wanted him to do it. Now what was his name... ah yes, it was Abraham. If you've forgotten it, you can find it in Genesis, the first book of the Bible. Seems slaughtering kids isn't just reserved for idol worshippers.
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: And while we're on the subject let's all remember that the followers of "God" worship the biggest idol of all; a VOLCANO!
9 years ago Report
Fernanda Oliveira
Fernanda Oliveira: God was just testing the faith and obedience of Abraham. so much so that He did not allow Abraham to do it ... the true sacrifice that God rejoices is the resignation of his own self.
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Abraham was quite prepared to sacrifice his son, even if he was stopped at the last moment. Seems being asked to do it was a normal thing to expect.
9 years ago Report
Fernanda Oliveira
Fernanda Oliveira: yes he was. but God saw that Abraham was able to do that to God and not let him do so provided a sheep and the sheep Abraham offered in sacrifice, but today God does not accept more sacrifice, because it would not sacrifice in the world able to save mankind from their sins then the greater love of God to humans was to sacrifice for us. through Jesus that many unfortunately do not believe
9 years ago Report
Fernanda Oliveira
Fernanda Oliveira: Abraham was the father of man-fearing and obedient to God and faith God made a covenant with him.
9 years ago Report
Fernanda Oliveira
Fernanda Oliveira: many say they are descendants of Abraham, but does not do what Abraham did.
9 years ago Report
The13th: Yes, I assure you, I love u too Oliveira.
9 years ago Report
vaporize53: Judiasm seems to be a covert attack on the White Race.
9 years ago Report
Fernanda Oliveira
Fernanda Oliveira: do not talk like judge only God. Just as we think we will be judged
9 years ago Report
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