Tell me your faith story (Page 3)

Zanjan: I think your story is legion during the last 50 years. When I worked with MultiFaith, we talked much of concern for our children, all agreeing there was a major drift towards the ways of secular society in North America.

Parents who were born in the Eastern hemisphere found that quite alarming, something never experienced in their culture before - they called it "Westernization". There was a strong feeling of foreboding amongst them as they could see families torn apart, despite every effort to keep them close.

I think that was a good thing because it challenged them to look at the cause and re-examine their own behaviour. They came to the conclusion that nobody else would rise to change this trend, except themselves.

Note: the breakdown of the nuclear family in N.America was observed in the 50's, when television came into every home. Soon enough, we had forgotten how things had been and the present generation has no memory of it. The Easterners brought that sharply into focus because, for them, this was a new thing.

(Edited by Zanjan)
10 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 10 years ago)
Zanjan: God has seen everything in advance; thus, He prepared to make us ready for the future. These painful changes had to be, as they're necessary for people to find their own way to reality. In the end, we'll all meet at the same place. When? Individually, it's possible now; I think the question is when mankind will achieve it.
(Edited by Zanjan)
10 years ago Report
orkanen: I would assume this changed also occurred in Scandinavia, but for slightly different reasons. While most inhabitants here below the age of 60 see themselves as somewhat secular, older people tend to hold a more religious attitude. Regular TV broadcasts began in Norway as late as 1960, yet other fruits of progress may have contributed more to shape our lives. I'm thinking about socialism in various forms, where club meetings and rallies replace church going, improved education levels, medical progress, and so on.
10 years ago Report
Zanjan: Yes, people will always want more of something - there's a season for each kind of "more".
(Edited by Zanjan)
10 years ago Report
near50ohoh: You could look at it that way, but there has always been something to challenge faith. Since time began. What's that expression : about if you have faith everything proves your belief and if you have no faith nothing does?
10 years ago Report
Zanjan: I'd call that misplaced/unrealistic/blind faith. Even the top skiiers don't win medals. If you don't understand a truth, your perception of it will eventually disappear. The onus is on each soul to get the understanding and that's the point where many give up.

When one gives up, they've overlooked that the way to understanding comes by obedience to Him - this is the tool through which God bestows enlightenment. Personally, I like: "He who kneels before God can stand before anyone"
(Edited by Zanjan)
10 years ago Report
near50ohoh: That's a really good quote, Zanjan
10 years ago Report
jadeforgaz: I'm a pagan simply because all the other faiths and religions I could pick holes into the only thing I believe in is two rules
Do as thy will aslongs as it harms noone and this includes animals
although to be honest I still eat meat as I don't take as I don't see it that way
do as thy want aslongs as it doesn't interfere with another's will
In other words do as u please just don't force someone into something as well I'm sure u get it lol
Also I have studied alot on all the old gods n goddesses and have just simplified it down yo mother earth and father God we need both genders in order to procreate so guess it the same up there or were ever u know what I mean lol
Not only that the thing that drawn me to the faith was when I was at School we had to go church n read the bible say our preys n that n one day whilst reading the bible n falling asleep to be honest it did get boring there was a passage that mentioned turn the other check to our pagan brothers and sisters so went home n asked my mum lots of questions as a child would n she said she is a pagan and so is my Dad n she would teach me more when I was 13 so waited n and asked the teAchers n priest and got they are devil worshipers which upset me n argued alot with them then hit 13 n my mum tort me alot about the faith and the history of it n I've been a pagan ever since I find my faith very carming miss understood n peaceful I'm happy to follow my own path n will repeat what I said to many there is no wrong or Wright religion as we all need something to believe in when times are bad there is only bad followers x
10 years ago Report
Zanjan: From your description, I'm having a hard time pinning down which pagan religion you've adopted. Seems yours is European neopaganism, is that right? Are you a member of a group?
(Edited by Zanjan)
10 years ago Report
jadeforgaz: Zanjan no I'm a lone practicer and tbh I wouldn't fit myself in any pagan secter as there is bits I disagree on n bits I agree with however for arguments sake yes I probs would fit into that catagree x
10 years ago Report

Born an atheist. I have never believed and told my father, a minister in the church, that I don't have 'that feeling in my heart'. He accepted it and after years studying theology is a total atheist himself.
10 years ago Report
near50ohoh: it's sad when the pastor gets converted (j/k)
(Edited by near50ohoh)
10 years ago Report
Zanjan: I've seen clergy convert to other religions. When they join mine, that's a very serious decision because it means they're packing in their job. I also know children of ministers and one wife of a minister who joined my religion; strangely, the ministers didn't mind.
(Edited by Zanjan)
9 years ago Report
Corwin: You have your very own religion, Zanjan? Are you some kind of self-ordained "pope" of sorts?
And if so, do you get to wear a really groovy hat?
9 years ago Report
orkanen: Would you say your parents loved you, Zanjan?
9 years ago Report
Zanjan: No they didn't, Ork. Not once in our whole lives did they ever tell us they loved us. Neither did they ever tell us, even once, that they were sorry for anything. I suppose you can say they were being true to themselves.

As kids, we thought love was "understood" because **we** loved them. Eventually, I learned there was such a thing as unrequited love and there is absolutely nothing one can ever do about that - nothing you try is ever good enough. In fact, the more you reach out to them, they worse they become and nastier as they repel your attempts.

I learned to believe what they were saying and leave them be. Great lesson!

What that taught me, Ork, was how it is with God when humans act the same way towards His love. I understood why it's wise not to invest in those who can't love. I prayed for them once and that's enough; when I move on, I forget them.

(Edited by Zanjan)
9 years ago Report
near50ohoh: I know exactly what you mean Zanjan
9 years ago Report
deuce916: I started to lose faith in the catholic church because when I was about 10 the local priest got angry at me for making a joke in church. Then at about 14 I asked another priest how I could love god more than my parents since I lived with them everyday & not with god. He said I had to love god more which I wasn't happy about. A catholic brother got angry with me at school because I couldn't remember some bullshit prayer one day.

I was looking for happiness & these angry stinkers who believe in god didn't have any answers or clues as to how to be happy.

And then you read in the bible about this vindictive, murderous being & realise it's not the way to go.
(Edited by deuce916)
9 years ago Report
Zanjan: You still don't sound very happy to me.
9 years ago Report
deuce916: Too many lies to sift through.
9 years ago Report
xapim: I had trouble with 2+2 ,much less sifting through lies.........
9 years ago Report

Oh-oh... Zanjan has monopolized the topic... time to 'unfollow' Click!
9 years ago Report
(Post deleted by vetigo 9 years ago)
StarryStarryNight: I was born into a religion which I slowly lost faith in, ironically because of the "religious" community around me. They were "religious" because they preached openly about the dos and don'ts and passed judgements on others either openly or behind their backs - "religious" gossiping - "Oh my God, how could he/she do that? Doesn't he/she know it's wrong? May God guide her/him to the right path. Awful, isn't it?"

I got sick of it and distanced myself away. I decided faith does not have to be faith in a religion, I decided to put my faith in God but not in a religion. And I tell myself there is a reflection of God in every kind individual I meet, in every caring gesture I encounter and in every friendly smile I see. And it doesn't matter from whom, God's reflection can be from any kind, caring person.
9 years ago Report