Homosexuality in Animals, and God

LiptonCambell: Lets try this again....

Alright, for the sake of argument, lets assume the Judeo-Christian belief system is correct. Why? Because I don't know enough about other religions to discuss the dogma incorporated within them.....

From what I understand, mankind is unique from animals- biblically, at least- because we have freewill. Animals cannot choose God or Satan, or Sin or worship, or nothing of the sort- Mankind can choose to deny God, while animals are under the domain of God- in that, they do not have freewill, and everything they do is determined by God.

And if that's the case....why are there gay animals?

I mean, if God is against homosexuality, and animals are completely under their control, then homosexuality in animals should not exist....but it does....

Doesn't that mean God wants homosexuality to exist? Even if, by some means, mankind were to wipe homosexuality for humanity off the face of the Earth, God would still have Gay Crocodiles and Poodles....seems to be something I missed...
10 years ago Report
harlett anathema
harlett anathema: once upon a time,Humanity in it's primal state & quality of being were hermaphrodites...Our species did not divide until modern Humans...though we can,fathom that a few were born of a single gender appearance...

does that mean,all could become pregnant,give birth or father,..i would suspect that answer too be NO.....

what you missed.....is that MEN decided how to code of conduct other Human beings,tone down open and liberal sexuality.. with putting False & Fake claims onto a supreme Being....

10 years ago Report

Well said Lipton. Homosexuality is not a choice. Hermaphrodites are not born that way by choice. All people are different, why condemn a person just by their sexuality?

I have stated before, I cannot understand homosexuality, but I can accept people being different... Eye colour, hair colour, skin colour, sexual preferences, etc.

BTW - Animals aren't true homosexuals. Same sex copulation is mostly a 'dominance' show. Frustration in the animal world is rife because only the best and most powerful gets to breed, unlike humans, so testosterone levels are very high at times, especially if there in a female in season. Some fish and frogs can change sex if there is no other sex nearby to promulgate the species.

The clip below is a very good example. The buffalo bulls are so testosterone charged that one of the dominant males takes on a rhino - with a very predictable result. Buffaloes, lions, buck, dolphins, antelope and the apes and baboons all display this kind of behaviour. It is easy to see why we anthropomorphise this behaviour.

10 years ago Report
Metaverseguy: Actually, in Leviticus God also condemns buffalo sex. Their punishment is that we now eat their wings along with ranch dressing. Your problem is that you don't use a literal interpretation of the bible. When people tell you things just assume they are true. Duh.
10 years ago Report
electrician25hr: All of gods creations are simply BI sexual....
9 years ago Report
The13th: I think homosexuality originated as a choice, then developed into a kind of reality distortion where they believe they are naturally gay by nature and not by choice.
9 years ago Report
LiptonCambell: But then how do you explain homosexuality in nature? Or the finding of the 'gay gene'? Surely if theres evidence of homosexuality as a part of our genes, whereas your opinion that homosexuality is a choice is...well, an opinion, with no real evidence....well, then that's lends credibility to the people who actually did the work to try and study the subject

9 years ago Report
(Post deleted by LiptonCambell 9 years ago)
(Post deleted by LiptonCambell 9 years ago)
Zanjan: Thanks, Lipton for deleting an honest response to the question you asked everybody.

Don't ask questions about God and nature if you don't want to hear the answer.
(Edited by Zanjan)
9 years ago Report
LiptonCambell: This is actually the second time i had to post this subject, deleting the first because you offered self-righteous rants in an attempt to change the subject, and flooded the thread.

So yea. You're not welcome in here.
(Edited by LiptonCambell)
9 years ago Report
Zanjan: That's ok - I can post that in topics you dont own so people will know what I said.
9 years ago Report
LiptonCambell: See? everyone wins.
9 years ago Report
Metaverseguy: I've read studies where identical twins who were separated at birth ended up with different sexual orientation as adults. If one of them was gay then there was only a 50% chance that the other was gay. If identical twins have 100% of the same genes then how could one be gay and the other be straight? Homosexuality doesn't seem to be largely restricted by our DNA and chemical makeup.
9 years ago Report
The13th: that video showing discovery of gay gene is ..... laughable. "And you actually discover gay gene?" "YES". The YES come up a bit too fast, too assure as if he need a bit of strength to say that word. Like asking OJ if he is innocent he will say that kind of "YES". "YES" ... strong with a trace of nervous and uncertainty.
9 years ago Report
LiptonCambell: Haha if you doubt it, the man's name appears in video....go, research his work and give us a criticism of his work.....

but to criticize the terseness of his YES? I....I don't know how to respond to that....

>>> If identical twins have 100% of the same genes then how could one be gay and the other be straight?

Without knowing more about your study , it really is anyone's guess...a study in 2012 found that while identical twins are closely related, there is --some-- difference in their genetics.....
9 years ago Report
Metaverseguy: boyzzwillbeboyz, the clip was from Religulous - a comedy. Maher is good at making us laugh, but not as good about building strong arguments. I'd rather watch his material any day than some nobel prize winning researcher, but that doesn't mean the latter isn't more reliable.
9 years ago Report
(Post deleted by LiptonCambell 9 years ago)
(Post deleted by LiptonCambell 9 years ago)

Most animals have 'same sex' sex. It strengthens group bonds. Do the animals see it as homosexuality? No because 'homosexual' is a human word for "Holy crap - let's condemn someone's sexual orientation because of my own insecurities"

9 years ago Report
Metaverseguy: Serabi, this is nonsense. The glans on the penis and the clitoris are only stimulated when approached by someone of the opposite sex. Thousands of studies by the church confirm this.
9 years ago Report

Address me personally and get a response directed specifically at you:-

Fuck off if you don't know anything about animals! The copulation act is not purely sexual... it strengthens bonds or proclaim dominance!

The stronger bull mount the fallen/injured one as a sign of dominance!

I have had a female pack leader mount each dog (Male or female) as an affirmation of her status.

As far as I know, only elephants don't engage in same sex rituals!

PLEASE learn before you speak.
(Edited by Serabi)
9 years ago Report

Ah, sorry, I missed the "Studies by the CHURCH" bit! That says a lot!

9 years ago Report
Corwin: "The glans on the penis and the clitoris are only stimulated when approached by someone of the opposite sex"
So... I guess masturbation is out of the question then.

"Thousands of studies by the church confirm this."

Was Fortran making a joke, or was he being serious?
Ah.... it was a joke.
(Edited by Corwin)
9 years ago Report
The13th: Probably a study by catholic church on young boys.
(Edited by The13th)
9 years ago Report
Cenababy: LOL, first of all, there are no gay animals! Try again, same old stuff diff day!
7 years ago Report
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