Homo erectus Religions

GeraldtheGnome: There is no proof that Homo erectus Humans had one or more types of Religion, in fact I'm going to state that they were Atheists like all types of Humans were on Earth as far back as 1,898,000 BC unless any of this is proven otherwise. Back then they were most likely only in Tanzania that far back unless that is proven otherwise, I must admit though that I am making an assumption that they did exist then right there.

'Hunter and Gatherers had a lot of leisure, especially when resources were plentiful. It is not like the long drudgery of much of agricultural life, still less like the clocked-in-hours of Industrial Humanity. With the invention of techniques for preserving and kindling Fire, Humans had a natural focus of warmth and sociability; it is thus inevitable that the telling of stories did occupy a lot of their time. The story has a powerful grip on the Human imagination and is a way of imagining the past, bringing to the forefront of imagination some selected contents of the past and explaining how things too in nature came to be. Again, it is reasonable to think that Prehistoric thinking proceeded from the small to the large, from the Human situation to the delineation of the whole environment. Together with the notions to which we have already alluded-that personal causes works in nature as well as in Human events and that similar things are animated by the same substance-the preference for the story form will have generated a whole range of Myths; how the Sky and the Earth perform together ; the way the Moon waxes and wanes and how a woman reflects those qualities; how the Spirit of the Bison or the Fox was created ; how Humans can turn into Sea Animals and how one Species can turn into another ; why Mountains are the way they are ; how the Sea was formed ; how a Spirit below the Sea brought the sole person to multiply.'

That's a doctored version of the Book, 'The World's Religions, Second Edition' , by Ninian (be smart and change the first name) Smart, Part I, Chapter 1, Earliest Religions, Subsection, The Patterns of Prehistoric Life, Page 38. Even what I just put was a slightly doctored version.

I couldn't understand all of that. What is delineation ? What is meant by waxes and wanes, also of a Woman looking that way and so on ?
(Edited by GeraldtheGnome)
9 years ago Report
Zanjan: Homo Erectus didn';t tell stories - they couldn't speak a formal language due to the physical construction of their vocal cords and mouth. Even the Neanderthal had some restrictions in this way. They could vocalize emotions and simple directions along with body language. Life was simple enough they didn't need more.

The oldest languages known are the 'click' languages of Africa, that come from imitating sounds in nature with an understood attachment to meaning. Whistling was another form of communication, a language that still exists in certain Greek families. These were developed expressly for protection to avoid detection.

Only Homo Sapiens has the physical structure for full verbalization.
(Edited by Zanjan)
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: When something waxes it grows bigger, as in a full moon, and when it wanes it gets smaller. As for delineation, it refers to outlining, describing or portraying something precisely.
9 years ago Report
dadman1240: hey ... I have seen HOMO-SLACKASS ERECTUS .... the missing link ?? http://dadmansabode.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=613#p613
9 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: There is no proof that Homo erectus Humans were able to communicate in any other way than that of most Modern Primates, in particular like most Apes currently can, unless some scientific experiment was done where eventually in the future the Apes rule the Earth with the thanks to a very sick International Airline Pilot flying overseas. There is no proof that Homo erectus Species are the direct Ancestors of Modern Humans/us, but a lot of people believe that they were. But this is about if they had that of one Religion or more by at least one of them and there is no proof that even one of them did.

'We may also accept that the feeling of awe before powerful sacred forces will have occurred, as described in the classic account of Rudolf Otto (1869-1937) . This may have contributed to self-consciousness, Human Beings felt themselves as apart from the World around them as they stalked for Zebras through the Savannah or plotted together the next Elephant Hunt or were lazily stirred by the side of the Fire at the memory of how they fared as a group. They would have felt terror and awe at the fierce Thunderstorms around Mount Kilimanjaro or among the Foothills of The Alps and they would have been scared by great Hailstorms. They would have felt though that their own solidarity and the start of a kinship too with other Human groups. So in their own self consciousness they would have wondered about the subject of Creation. Some of them no doubt would have conceived of the World as a whole and made a Myth about its origin : partly because having knowledge of origins is a way of having power over that whose origins you know.'

That is a doctored version of the Book, 'The World's Religions, Second Edition' , by Ninian (should go and get his first name changed) Smart, Part I, Chapter 1, Earliest Religions, Section, The Patterns of Prehistoric Life, Subsection, The Dimensions of Prehistoric Religions, Page 41. Even this explanation was a slightly doctored one. The last sentence of the above paragraph though did not make any sense to me. I can see the above Guy with the last message is a North American. I do hate the words delineation and verbalization though, besides there are more regularly used words that can be used that can describe all of that just as well or even better.

Technically the years 1869 and 1937 should be considered to be 1868 and 1936.
(Edited by GeraldtheGnome)
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Most likely Homo Erectus could speak. Like modern man, they have Broca's bulge imprinted onto the interior of their skulls. This is an indication of the ability to speak.
9 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: Broca's Bulge ? Anyway what was probable has not been shown to have certainly happened, well not yet it hasn't anyway, the same goes for the theory that they believed that after they knew how to create Fire that they thought as they looked up at the Stars in the Sky that each one was a Camp Fire that Prehistoric Humans in the Sky created.
(Edited by GeraldtheGnome)
9 years ago Report