Why Bother Trying to 'Convert' When It Is Personal? (Page 2)

wolfsongstormspirit: Ah you are psychic and know why I did it. WOW!!!!! lol So what else can you do? Levitate? Pull things out of your arse like your ideas? PMSL
9 years ago Report
Zanjan: " I am wanting to know why you feel you would have that right to ask"

**I** have a God-given right to ask questions - God wants people to be seekers of truth. The civil law also gives me that same right - it's called freedom of speech.

Just because I have a right or a power doesn't mean I'll choose to use it all of the time. This is one of my God-given faculties - it's called free will.

I wont ask you questions if I'm not interested or if I already have the answers or, if I think you don't have the wherewithal to answer them correctly.

The person I'm asking has the God-given right not to respond - it's called silence, which is golden. The civil law gives a similar right - that is, if one is breaking the law or obstructing justice, they eventually need to respond to questioning, either directly or through a lawyer.

(Edited by Zanjan)
9 years ago Report
Zanjan: Religion is a system of education that instructs on a way of life. If your religion fails to educate others, then it's not a religion. What is it then? Just a collective of beliefs.

Fact: there are many ways of life - if someone tells you that you must choose their way of life or bad things will happen to you, then that's merely a warning. You're free to believe it or not. If this warning offends you, then perhaps you need to look at why you don't have enough strength to deal with it.

9 years ago Report
wolfsongstormspirit: But laws are not necessarily good and I am not talking just about the Christian God. You say 'God-given right' but what if you don't believe in the Christian God? Does saying that and believing in that God mean that you have the right do ask someone who doesn't have that same faith?

You assume that just because one doesn't think that someone else has the right to question them on their faith that they don't have the strength to deal with any questioning. lol It has to do with the fact that it is a personal path and a personal relationship with their deity/deities. You don't have a 'God-given' right to be nosy. If you believe that then I think it has more to do with justifying your own arrogance and disrespect of another's personal space than any actual belief. Why bother bringing civil-law into a subject that is based on the questioning of another's faith? Unless you are living in a Theocracy then they are mutually exclusive. lol
9 years ago Report
This is an idiotic. Wolfsongstorm is against asking questions and he is asking questions while arguing against some 'right' to ask questions.
9 years ago Report
When I'm at the checkout in the grocery store and they ask me: " Paper or plastic? "

I tell them: "That's between me and the Lord, ya nosy son of a bitch!"
9 years ago Report
calybonos: ....then hand them a pamphlet and ask for a small donation.
9 years ago Report
Zanjan: "You say 'God-given right' but what if you don't believe in the Christian God? "

There is only one God, the God of all things in creation: this is what Christians believe, and a lot of other people as well. If you want to believe there's many Gods or no gods, this is your choice. However, if you jump into a conversation about religion and God, you'll be needing to hold your own.

It's amazing how many people invent rights of their own, demanding others follow them. It's never occurred to them that human rights are founded on a common base of justice, fairness, equality and compassion, and this declaration is made at three levels - in the local region, in the given country's national constitution, and on the world stage with international agreement.

"You don't have a 'God-given' right to be nosy."

I suppose you've never read the newspaper. We have a DUTY to our fellow man to become informed. This IS a directive by God, followed up by civilized society. If you choose to play the clam shell, we'll get our information from elsewhere.

(Edited by Zanjan)
9 years ago Report
Zanjan: "Why bother bringing civil-law into a subject that is based on the questioning of another's faith? Unless you are living in a Theocracy then they are mutually exclusive."

Civil law and theology are never mutually exclusive. Much of civil law everywhere is based on major parts of the standard of God, that sets the difference between right and wrong and what makes for civilized behaviour and order.

We, in the West, have separation of church and state; not being ruled by a theocracy doesn't imply the baby is thrown out with the bathwater. Every generation will see new and dangerous cults and practices that offend the sensibilities - that's when the people speak up and the law steps in.

For example, it used to be that when Doukabours got upset over something, they'd strip buck naked in public, men and women alike, and set fire to properties, dancing around them. This, they said was part of their 'Faith" belief. Well, the civil law stopped them because this is offensive, destructive behaviour, illegal for all people in the county.

Being a member of a religion doesn't give one license to be above the law; always, there's a religious group or individual who will challenge that......and lose.

So, are you doing something, Wolfsong, that you shouldn't be?

(Edited by Zanjan)
9 years ago Report
wolfsongstormspirit: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Looks like I upset some sensibilities because I think that anyone who feels they have the right to question another about their faith is being nosy and arrogant to think that they do have such a right to inquire about something so personal.

I still don't see any reason why you people have any right to ask another about their personal relationship with their deity/ies. Just the usual they have a right not to or a massive blurb on 'being informed'. As for what is offensive behavior well that is a personal or cultural perception. Not a blanket belief. lol
9 years ago Report
wolfsongstormspirit: I am Wiccan in general Zanjan which means that it is a personal belief that is determined by me whether it is right or wrong in how I choose to worship.
9 years ago Report
Zanjan: You've not upset anyone wolfsong - if that was your aim, go back to your religion and study some more.

"YOU people"??? What mountain top are you sitting on? Apparently, it's pretty cloudy up there and likely the reason why you don't see.

I've met some Wiccan leaders; they were actually interested in other religions and religious discussion. But they do tend to hide and are very cautious about mentioning their affiliation to people they know because they've told me they fear persecution. You seem to support that statement.

(Edited by Zanjan)
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: If people post on religious threads about their beliefs and, let us be honest here, attack others, then in my not so humble opinion it's open season on them. No need to be rude doing it but the purpose of coming here is to have a little fun. If that means filleting somebody's implausible beliefs, so be it. The alternative is complete boredom and people buggering off elsewhere for their jollies.
9 years ago Report
Zanjan: Exactly. This is no place for weenies.
9 years ago Report
wolfsongstormspirit: Actually Zanjan I use that term to differentiate myself from them. lol As for studying my own religion more and the term Wiccan leaders well I am a solitary one and that means I determine my own faith, how I practice it and have no leader. That is the great thing about being a solitary witch. LOL I don't fear prosecution at all. If I did I would never have been baptized at one time as a Jehovah's Witness.

By using such terms as Wiccan leader to a solitary is like using the Pope to a Hindu. Has NOTHING to do with them at all. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
9 years ago Report
wolfsongstormspirit: @ Ghostgeek.... Open season on me? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I love idiots who think that another's beliefs in a deity/deities is implausible. You keep telling yourself you are filleting'them Princess. All you say about religion and faith is actually able to be also said about your faith in science and the so-called logic of random events creating such a diverse range of living things on a planet that just happened to be the EXACT angle and distance from the sun with the EXACT mix of gases and metals to make it inhabitable. Oh, and please tell me the odds of the moon being the EXACT size in ratio to the sun to create an eclipse? PMSL

The moon is 400 times smaller than the sun and yet is 400 times closer to the earth. But that was just random hey. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA
9 years ago Report
Zanjan: " I am a solitary one and that means I determine my own faith, how I practice it and have no leader. "

Well, you can't be a leader of anything if you're a 'solitary". Loners in faith are that way because their own beliefs clash with communal living and reality. You claim to be a witch yet what powers do you posess if you can't get along with anyone, much less your own kind?
(Edited by Zanjan)
9 years ago Report
wolfsongstormspirit: Ah you are trying to debate with me I see. LOL Look up the meaning of being a solitary witch. Oh, and I get along with people I want to get along with.
9 years ago Report
wolfsongstormspirit: And I never said I was a leader. LOL
9 years ago Report
Zanjan: You didn't have to.
9 years ago Report
Zanjan: FYI, a witch is a female, a warlock is a male. Are you gay or just conflicted?
(Edited by Zanjan)
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: What are you saying Wolf, that Hobgoblins made the Earth?
9 years ago Report
wolfsongstormspirit: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Zanjin .....Actually shows how little you know as many male witches don't use the term warlock. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

But please continue with expressing your ignorance.
9 years ago Report
wolfsongstormspirit: Awwwwww Geeky Geeky Geeky..... you need to do better than that Princess. LOL
9 years ago Report
assegayer1: Everybody. There is only one god in this universe and that is allah swt. He sent messengers before us to bring his words down to earth and he will be the one to judge you at the end of time for what good and bad you have done. I have proofs that god exists and can tell them to you if u ask
9 years ago Report