faith (Page 3)

deuce916: Some people do act like animals.
12 years ago Report
ewarner1: Deuce, if you feel some actions are incorrect and some are correct you believe in right or wrong.

Every killer, thief, liar, rapist, is not mentally ill. Do you truly feel like no actions are wrong? How about right, say feeding a starving person?

If you don't believe athiests are right, and believers wrong, why do you care at all?
12 years ago Report
deuce916: I don't know actually. I was just sitting at the computer in my boring life & decided I wanted to spice it up a bit. At least it was a bit of fun for me anyway. Adios amigo.
12 years ago Report
CoIin: Why do I keep hearing this drivel about torturing children? Is the implication that being non-Christian somehow inclines one to torture? If so, it's mighty condescending to say the least.
12 years ago Report
Ka Nine
Ka Nine: Faith is the practice of saying that you know what you don't really know because you have absolutely no evidence. Faith is a dead end to knowlege. That's how we get some 23000 different flavors of Christianity - each one says they are right an the rest are wrong - they just 'know it', 'deep down inside', that they are right. Faith is having 23000 different paths to nowhere. It seems like a genuinely pointless endeavor, to pretend you know something that you cannot know with any certainty. Why bother pretending? All available evidence shows us that life is too short for that.
12 years ago Report
Ruffle: Shouldn't saying that you know what you don't really know strictly speaking be considered lying?
12 years ago Report
ewarner1: Colinian, it is hard to deny right and wrong when given an extreme example and I think you would agree that right and wrong has great validity in the discussion about the excistence of God.
12 years ago Report
ewarner1: wmfarrell, this discussion always takes the same direction, many Christians, including me, would say I have seen, heard, felt, the direct manifestation of God. Athiests believe religion can only be a choice of the intellect, not a relationship to be felt.

I was cured of my addiction through prayer, a true, miricle. So how am I lying about what I do not know?
12 years ago Report
Ka Nine
Ka Nine: You don't know that it was a miracle that cured your addiction and not just your own willpower. You say it was a miracle, but you have no real evidence for that.
12 years ago Report
ewarner1: Oh I have evidence all right, no addiction. My will power was insufficient to the task.

It is just evidence you refuse to accept.
12 years ago Report
Ka Nine
Ka Nine: It's only evidence that you seem to think that a miracle occurred. Perhaps your willpower was shored up by your belief - that's exactly how the twelve step method works. I just hope that when you realize it wasn't God, but your willpower - that you don't loose the willpower, which is the real workhorse in this struggle for you.
12 years ago Report
ewarner1: Why would you care? If the willpower was shored up by the belief, surely that is a good thing?
12 years ago Report
Ka Nine
Ka Nine: Cut out the middle man, believe in yourself.
12 years ago Report
Wildfirex: Isn't that what the serpent basically said to Eve?
12 years ago Report
ewarner1: wmfarrell, well, you can try that with the next addict you run accross, as he/she is shaking with withdrawl symtoms, just believe in yourself! Or the mom who has lost a child, the soldier in battle, person dying of aids, person in prison and so on. Believeing in themselves is not the heart of the problems they face. The problems are bigger than they are.

Dealing with my addiction was too big for me, flat out not something I could master. Not did not want to, could not.

I still don't get why you care why I would, or would not, believe in myself. Where is your skin in the game?

Would you rather I failed with a middle man or succeeded with one? If the 12 step program works, why fight it?

12 years ago Report
ewarner1: If somebody dislikes the idea of dependence on God so much they would rather have addicts than believers then there is something seriously wrong with them, I am sorry to say.
12 years ago Report
Perdurabo: How long have you been a member of the Church of Thor, ewarner1?
12 years ago Report
ewarner1: Perdurabo, you have said some strange things from time to time, this one takes the cake, Thor has, exactly what to do with anything?
12 years ago Report
Ruffle: It actually exists, I Googled it and found this site:
12 years ago Report
Wild Country
Wild Country: Yes, revive the old gods, so that the Abrahamic religions can have some real competition. Thor was a fearsome warrior.
12 years ago Report
ewarner1: Well they did put out a movie, maybe it will spark something!
12 years ago Report
Tarynn: Why not? People are already worshiping Elvis and Lady Di as deities with alters in bizarre shrines.
12 years ago Report
Ruffle: In my opinion, all shrines are bizarre...
12 years ago Report
ewarner1: Ruffle, what about those who worship a shrine of themselves?
12 years ago Report
Ruffle: LOL Now, that is even worse. People have deified idolized humans at all times and meglomaniacs have deified themselves, almost always with a disastrous result!

I would recommend psychiatric treatment to everyone that builds a shrine in their home, no matter if they worship a god, a human or themselves...
12 years ago Report