The inconvenient Truth about islam.. (Page 4)

Malobear: No need for your pity here Talent_M. Ms.Darwish doesnt speak what you want to hear,so she must be lying. Amazing, you said nothing about the Canadian and American woman converting to Muslim. That was entirely believable. Pffffft,please. "I wish you guys to visit our countries to see how is the non muslims most recieved the generosity!!! ".Thank you for the offer but no thanks. I am like my grandmothers way of thinking,Iron birds arent meant to fly. Never catch me on a airplane. Besides,I am very aware of how generosity is dealt out to westerners in Iraq and Iran.
13 years ago Report
Oolleh: Narrow-mindedness at its most typical worst: "If your statement doesn't agree with my subjective opinion, it's got to be untrue!" I want to know just how many millions of intolerant people out there actually practice this disrespectful way of thinking... I finally begin to understand why so many wars seem to be started for no obvious reason...
13 years ago Report
splitter: Guys, we have to admit that propaganda goes in one direction only: The one that is convenient to the propagandist. He closes his eyes to all other information.
13 years ago Report
13 years ago Report
13 years ago Report
nickb2: Well, watched a few videos for and against Islam. I clearly think Islam is the butt of all jokes, meaning the asshoe.Especially offended by the last series of videos and pissed off when I see streets that resemble the streets of most civilized countries but I see a women getting kicked, stoned and degraded with her panties to her knees in death. And what did those bystanders do while this was happening? Why take pictures with their cells phones, of course. Three policeman standing by and doing nothing to prevent MURDER. This is their primary goal, prevent crimes, yet they watch. Video claims they could do nothing? What about back-up? Why was this woman killed so publicly and why did EVERYONE in that video stand by and DO NOTHING except take pictures. Where they afraid of reprisals? This would be a good indicator of what is happening in Islamic nations and why violence let alone murder is happening and statistics are surprising low numbers contrary to evidence. I am just appalled that no one on this site of muslim origin has not commented on some of these videos which clearly demonstrates Islamic law at it's worst. If I saw a woman being severely beaten to death in my streets, the last thing I would do is whip out my cell phone and take pictures, I would defend this woman in any way I could, even at the expense of my own safety, because THAT is honor and respect. They call these HONOR killings, their is no honor in killing a woman just because she DECIDED to sleep with another man. If you are the offended male, ask yourself why she slept elsewhere!! This will be much more revealing of yourself and helpful to your countries if you look to yourself and ask why am I even thinking about BEATING my wife, let alone let this woman's blood run in the streets and by doing nothing about it. That blood now belongs on your hands by association. There was a series of video posted and one of them was some idiot giving a seminar about how to correct your wife and PUT her on the RIGHT path. Three step guide on how to punish your wife without leaving visible marks and 'oh' lets not forget the Koran says this is THE way. Why is this man not concerned about the mental wounds such abuse may leave on this woman. Are these less noticeable than scars? You state the Hijab is to preserve the woman's dignity, where is YOUR dignity in allowing such barbaric behaviour such as public murders of a woman who is only guilty of sleeping with another man. If murder is the answer to hurt ego, I condemn your way of thinking and you are already burning in the "HELL FIRE'S". Whatever crap that is!! You talk of preventing EVIL, This way of thinking and doing things is in no way related to peaceful solutions and prevention of "evil". Who gave your kind the right to judge anyways. That is for your maker to do, not you!! However I highly doubt your maker is any better than the garbage I have seen from the likes of Koresch, Ordre du Temple Solaire, Opus Dëi etc.
A simple universal rule to peace, do not do unto others what you would not want done to you. I highly doubt any male in islam would like to be treated as this woman was and killed in such a vulgar manner. These supposed "Honor" killings are on the hands of ALL islamic men. You shall all burn for that is some way or another.
13 years ago Report
maanga_tholi: what about bible?

What the canonized saints of Christianity said about women:

"Woman is a daughter of falsehood, a sentinel of Hell, the enemy of peace; through her Adam lost paradise" (St. John Demascene)

"Woman is the instrument which the devil uses to gain possession of our souls" (St. Cyprian)

"Woman is the fountain of the arm of the devil, her voice is the hissing of the serpent" (St. Anthony)

"Woman has the poison of an asp, the malice of a dragon" (St. Gregory)
13 years ago Report
KrAsH: Most religions treat women like shit,some have improved over the years,not much though..

You could always start a bible thread if you want to pick it to pieces..
13 years ago Report
Malobear: When the Europeans first came to America and took lands belonging to the Native Americans. The Native Americans were killed or forced into reservations and most were converted to Christianity, but still held to their ancestry beliefs. The Native America was aware of the creator long before Europeans came here,and many tribes had different names for the creator.
The new "America" nation was Christian and was about "God" and is even still written on the money it prints. Over time the government has gotten farther removed from religion such as removing prayer from schools,etc. And today trys to play a balancing act with all the religions practiced here.
These days,If Christians and Jews leave the faith,its really not seen as much here in America. But if you live in many Islamic nations,your faith is Islam and you choose to convert,it is almost impossible to leave or live. It is why my friend Talent_M and Muslims aboard have such a hard time understanding these things in America. But even here in America,people of the Islamic faith that want to convert, better move away totally from the Muslims they knew and don't look back, most do exactly that.

There is much more about this subject at this link.
In earlier posts I tried to be objective and honest from the many years of working within Universities that saw many people from different faiths and lands pass thru.And many I came in contact with. One thing I did notice was when it came to Jews and Muslims,they both treated me as beneath them. As a young man and non-Muslim or Jewish,I could forget about dating either. Most were nice and would talk with you,but I always felt a sense of not being their equal.I really did not understand why, until later in life. Just being honest with you.
13 years ago Report
nickb2: Well manga hol, talent N, you only state phrases which capture the male weaknesses towards a womans charms and a search to free ones self from a guilty conscience of "impure" thoughts by placing woman as the source of evil, or an arm of satan and other such garbage. I still don't understand why you have not commented on these savage beatings of woman resulting in death in very public settings. Do you approve of this? I want an answer. Do you condone this? Do you agree with the passage of the bible which you mentioned, I certanly don't and my whole family is of christian descent. That does not mean I follow my ancestors blindly and fore go all logic in the name of belonging! Just because I am a white canadian male does not mean I am a bible thumper or other.

(Fanatic jihadists' beliefs stem from a feeling of inferiority to Western civilization. Because of its sense of inferiority in power and its sense of arrogant superiority in spiritual and religious quality, this militant form of Islam feels thoroughly justified in resorting to the most vicious forms of violent assault on its identified enemy. America is the perceived source and center of its problems.) excerpt from wikipedia -religious fanaticism ("Even though most Muslims reject violence, the extremists' use of sacred texts lends their actions authenticity and recruiting power". "The radicals insist that their central claim—God's desire for Islam's triumph—requires no interpretation. According to them, true Muslims will pursue it by any means necessary, including dissimulation, civil coercion, and the killing of innocents".
An honor killing or honour killing (also called a customary killing) is the murder of a family or clan member by one or more fellow (mostly male) family members, in which the perpetrators (and potentially the wider community) believe the victim to have brought dishonour upon the family, clan, or community. The Quran does not mention honor killings, and many Muslim scholars and commentators say that honor killings are a cultural practice which is neither exclusive to, nor universal within, the Islamic world. According to law professor Noah Feldman in the New York Times, Islam "condemns the vigilante-style honor killings that still occur in some Middle Eastern countries."
If the muslims who have posted here have any balls they will stand up for what their scriptures tell them and condone the maltreatment of women in the above described manner. They will punish those who perpetrate these honor killings as feverishly as they defend their religion, if not then they are fakes, and only posture about their religious standing when they preach to others how devoted they are to Allah. Is it written in this koran/quran that :
The Quran in Sura (Chapter) 2:223 says:

Your women are your fields, so go into your fields whichever way you like
The Quran in Sura 2:228 says:

. . . Wives have the same rights as the husbands have on them in accordance with the generally known principles. Of course, men are a degree above them in status
The Quran in Sura 4:11 says:

The share of the male shall be twice that of a female
The Quran in Sura 4:34 says:

4:34 . . . If you fear highhandedness from your wives, remind them , then ignore them when you go to bed, then hit them. If they obey you, you have no right to act against them. God is most high and great.

"Shall the reward of goodness be anything but good?...Dark-eyed virgins sheltered in their tents...They shall recline on green cushions and fine carpets...Blessed be the name of your Lord..." (Surah 55:52-66-)

Most certainly a female biased book.

"Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them." (Surah 9:121-)
This sounds like the spanish inquisition!!!
The more I read the more I am astounded that these principles are heeded in these modern times yet islamic muslims use the internet, computers to spread this archaic nonsense!!
13 years ago Report
Tink: The more I read the more I am astounded also.

I never even looked at the Qur'an until a few days ago when I first posted here.

I will continue my study BUT thus far this is my conclusion. Other than the fact that Muslims haven't killed every non-Muslim under their domain, there is very little else that they can point to as proof that theirs is a peaceful, tolerant religion.
13 years ago Report
Talent_M: Malobear you still posting propagandizing videos against Islam, I havn't watched all your videos just noticed last one which is related to Rifka Bari case,actually someone before you was cleverer, man don't you watch your local news!!!!? pls watch wat "I" post

so how can I be convinced about every word you say!!??
13 years ago Report
Malobear: lol,Im not here to "Convince you" and really dont care if you do. You have your mind made up.
Anyone wishing to read about the story go to:
Pull up the girls name in question and read for yourself.
13 years ago Report
Talent_M: still contradict yourself, very strange!
13 years ago Report
KrAsH: So talent are you gonna answer nicks question?

Do you condone honour killings and stoning?
13 years ago Report
Talent_M: sorry!!?
the problem, some people are not topical!
13 years ago Report
KrAsH: Cant answer the question huh..

Its my thread and it is on topic,so again..

Do you condone honour killings and stoning?
13 years ago Report
Malobear: Everything is "propagandizing" to you if anyone post or writes anything that shows Islam in a negetive light.If anything is contradicting I guess its because I tried to be fair and show both sides,as in my first post.If you really took the time and really read what I have written,you too might see it that way,but somehow I doubt it.
So, how about a answer to thread Talent_M.
13 years ago Report
Talent_M: "I tried to be fair "

fair in what!? posting propagandizing videos is a fairness!?

do you know how to be fair? when you remove the arrogance from your heart and find out the truth on your own, not searching and copy pasta from suspicious and spiteful websites.
13 years ago Report
Malobear: You see it one way, I see it another Talent_M. Time to move on. You think you can answer the question before the end of the year Talent_M?
13 years ago Report
Talent_M: I answer when the question is clear.
13 years ago Report
SPIRIT-ONE: Everything is "propagandizing" to you if anyone post or writes anything that shows Islam in a negetive light.

tis what they are taught just as the Christians ,if it goes against the belief ,it isn't true and was put out there by Satan
13 years ago Report
Malobear: Krash wrote: "Do you condone honour killings and stoning? "
And your response is?
13 years ago Report
Teece: Does anybody else get the feeling that Talent_M does condone
honour killings and stoning? If he did not, he would have
answered the question...... it is certainly plain enough....

But, of course, to say that he condoned these behaviours in this
thread would contradict everything that he is trying to make others
13 years ago Report
KrAsH: Talents avoidance of the question is deafening..

Lets you know what your dealing with i guess
13 years ago Report