Islam will rule whole world one day (Page 70)

chay chayi
chay chayi: THERE IS a true religion and belief, and ONLY ONE, its Judaism
9 years ago Report
The13th: I just realised I get to write the last message on page 69 :-) I like 69.
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: There's no "true religion", just a bunch of wild-eyed idiots hacking away at each other with whatever comes to hand.
9 years ago Report
davidk14: .

4.5 billion years ago...there was no religion. In 4.4 billion years, there will be no religion. Our 'history' is just a flicker in time. What is the truth, is the truth. So....don't sweat the small stuff.

9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Shame we don't know what the truth is.
9 years ago Report
chay chayi
chay chayi: There was ALWAYS religion, God himself is religion
9 years ago Report
davidk14: .

The truth is...Hamas was created by the Muslim Brotherhood to exterminate Jews....not negotiate with Jews...only to murder Jews. That is the truth.

You want to see peace in the Middle East...Get rid of Hamas, Hezbolla and the Iranian influences. Then you will see peace...but not until then.

That is the truth.

Until then, Israel will protect itself and the 5 million Jews that live there.

That is the truth. Never again will Jews stand by and be murdered by those whose sole purpose is to murder Jews.

That is the truth.

9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: I sometimes wonder David if the downfall of Israel will come about, not through the actions of the Muslims, but by Jew fighting Jew. It has happened before.
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Chayiii, are you saying that God has worshipped Himself from time immemorial?
9 years ago Report
davidk14: .

Ghost, There is such termoil in the politics of the Israeli's. Once again, the government had to reorganize by 'holding elections' because they could not get things accomplished.

They all want peace...Jew and Palestinean....its all about land.

Unfortunately, the Palestinean population has exploded. Even if they got the Jordanian West Bank, there is still very limited land to expand onto for a healthy country. It would / will become the Gaza strip with all of it's environmental issues in just a few decades.

What is needed is for Jordan and Egypt to grant land to the Palestineans. That would be the right thing to do. Both those countries have enormous amounts of uninhabited land agasent to the West Bank and Gaza.

But then, that would be too easy.


9 years ago Report
chay chayi
chay chayi: For a laugh

9 years ago Report
chay chayi
chay chayi: Islam teaches to marry 9 year old's, to be naked and dance belly ass dances, like a perv whore
9 years ago Report
Adamu08: Speak for yourself chayiii, Judaism is just as filthy. Bunch of orthodox Jews justifying molesting little boys in Israel and sucking up social welfare there. Every religion is just as disgusting.
9 years ago Report
chay chayi
chay chayi: The Talmud doesn't say that you may rape under 3 years, it says that under 3 years its not considered sex, because she has no puberty, but not that you "may" do any sexual "acts" they are all immoral, the Talmud is against a sexual life even between a husband and wife, even the relationship between a husband and wife is not sexual, only spiritual, the filth is no one but non Jews, Christians and Muslims, they are full of all kind sexuality, and all sexual sin, filthy pigs, the Talmud and the Jews are holy, and Jesus and Muhammad and all non Jews are those who are filthy, Muslims use the word "filth" because this is what they are, even the religious Muslims that cover them selves with clothes out side, but are totally perves with all sexual filth, and marrying 9 year old's, and marrying 4 women
9 years ago Report
davidk14: .

Here's what gets me furious...

The situation in France was caused by the lack of intelligence. To murder 12 people because they made statements about the M- word. Just think about that a minute. Murdered 12 people because of what????'s the kicker....

These same scumbags and scumbags like them, will slit your throat because you do not believe a word of the Quran. That is 80% of the worlds population. Of course, 99% of Islam are peace loving individuals which leaves 1% or 20,000,000 crazies out there who will slit your throat, your loved ones throat, your childreds throats all because they do not believe in Islam.


9 years ago Report
chay chayi
chay chayi: France voted for a Palestinian state, so now this is what they got
9 years ago Report
Adamu08: chayiii are you a virgin? lol. Your religious dogma has sure made you closed minded.
9 years ago Report
davidk14: .

I was talking with a friend who is French and has family in France. She tells me that most of the French want the Muslims out of France. I asked her if that comment was a little harsh. She said that they had been tolerant for years but now, they have had enough. The riots, the lack of French law, the increase of Sharia courts, they have had just have had enough especially with the slaughter of journalists practicing freedom of sppech. She told me...and have a seat to read the following....

In this particular situation, since it is legal to have 5 Muslim wives, the male 'says' that he lives outside of France, then all of the five wives and and all the 'children', 15 children in this instance, live on French welfare. They want to change the law but are called....racists.

The French wanted to be friendly and peaceful and let Muslims immigrate however, it got out of control and they are now paying the price.


9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: With over a billion Muslims, it seems the world has a bit of a problem. Whether the rest of us like it or not, they aren't all going to disappear in a puff of smoke. Not unless somebody's suggesting a "Final Solution" to end all solutions.
9 years ago Report
davidk14: .

I have suggested numberous times that the 99% of the world's 2 billion Muslims take care of the 'their' problem and reign in the 1%.

9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: From what I can see, they don't seem overly keen on doing that David.
9 years ago Report
davidk14: .

I agree with you. So what's next? A line in the sand or more appeasement?


9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Give them what they fear most, lashings of Western decadence.
9 years ago Report
davidk14: .

9 years ago Report
wayne elliott
wayne elliott: I totally agree with you david14 - the muslims should be reigning in the percentage that have hijacked their religion and are killing anyone who dares disagrees. It might go some way to proving the religion is peaceful, and that the majority of musilms adopt the 'live and let live' model.

However, the rules of that religion seem to me to be extremely immature - raping a woman because she speaks to a male not related or married to her - then charging her with indecency because she was raped! Raping women because they inspired 'lust' in a man, thereby deserving such horrific abuse because 'she is to blame.' Throwing acid in womens faces because they spurn advances. Then there is the ridiculous notion that killing others and yourself in a suicide bombing is the road to 'martyrdom,' and that you will then get an army of virgins to serve every human desire...childish and sickly distorted.
9 years ago Report