what if was an athiest!!??

Talent_M: what would happen if the world was an athiest from the begining!!?
13 years ago Report
Lex_Hardon: we'd all be living in peace?
13 years ago Report
nkn: The best word it represents all.
13 years ago Report
Talent_M: be careful huh, you have to know that your claim is morality before religion,okay.
so how would be in peace?pls.
13 years ago Report
Lex_Hardon: Were the crusades carried out in the name of Athiesm? were the last words out of the serial killers who carried out the World Trade Centre Atrocity 'Praise Richard Dawkins?'

To put it bluntly, how many atrocities in mans history were carried out in the name of athiesm? how many atrocities in mans history were carried out in the name of god?
13 years ago Report
Talent_M: calm down calm down,keep this mater away,I know many people from different religions lived peacfuly recently and in old time,let's talk about it from the begining since the man was sorry "animal" I mean sorry "ape" or from "apes ancestors".
13 years ago Report
Lex_Hardon: first of all, u need to know what athiesm is. Its not an ideology.
Did u know that there are athiests who dont believe in evolution?
13 years ago Report
Talent_M: I know.... so
13 years ago Report
blonde goddess
blonde goddess: we are atheists from the beginning. we are taught religion.
13 years ago Report
Talent_M: I agree with you, describe the life in what would be and how? if we havn't belonged to the religion ever,I mean if we don't need the religion today,we shouldn't have needed from the begining,right?
13 years ago Report
xxzero: the birth of religion..dates back to the cavemen..it was the way found by humans to explain the unexplained in a logical and rational way that they could understand..anything good..we praise god..anything bad..we blame the devil or god is angry with us..

atheism is not the denial of god..what they strongly deny is all those that claim to be god's representatives on earth..and that "holy books" are the absolute truth about everything..in fact atheists don't deny the possible existence of a almighty creative supreme being beyond human concepts..

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke
13 years ago Report
Entropy: In honesty, the world/life would probably be similar to what it is now, if we were all atheists.

The reason: people do what they do, despite their religion. Religion does not make a person good... you are either a good person, or you are not. Even though religion is a way many people discuss the idea of morality, the two are not dependent upon one another.

I think that without religion, people would still figure out reasons to blow each other up.
13 years ago Report
Winelover: For sure, for sure...

I just want to know what kind of excuses they would use if they couldn't commit crimes in the name of God anymore!
13 years ago Report
xxzero: that's simple..for example..just replace in the name of god..for in the name of science..freedom..etc..so many options..humans can be very creative when it comes to justify a crime or a war..
13 years ago Report
Entropy: Money, Nationalism/racism, government/politics...

Religionists dont fight/terrorize others for the sake of the Gods... they do it because they feel they have the RIGHT perspective on life, and that everyone else should conform to their own view.

So, its pretty easy to come up with lists of things that people feel are axiomatic when they're really not (politics, economics, etc).

We are a diverse sea of individuals... the way to live one's life differs between all of us. We as humans need to learn how to a.) respect that, and b.) promote free-thought, objectivity and individualism. Atheists and Religionists alike have a problem with the above two sentiments from time to time because arrogance and stubbornness tend to be part of the human condition.
13 years ago Report
Winelover: Fair enough, but I am naive enough to think that there would have been fewer "horribilities" if people didn't have religion to hide behind. Then, they couldn't claim that "God/Satan made me do it" or "I have God on my side when I fight the infidels". It wouldn't have been the same with excuses like "I did it to please my king/president". At least, there would have been one less reason to disagree.
13 years ago Report
Lex_Hardon: Religion goes some way in justifying atrocious and evil actions.

Whats to stop the suicide bomber from blowing himself and a busy market place to pieces when he is absolutley convinced that by pressing that little button it will suck him into a magic wormhole that instantly leads him to paradise?
13 years ago Report
Widgette: Winelover, I agree that there most likely would have been less discrimination against women and gays without religion.

Yes, Lex_Hardon, there would also have been no concept of a short-cut to eternal glory for suicide bombers without religion.
13 years ago Report
Talent_M: athiest can be a gay or lisbian at anytime?right?
13 years ago Report
xxzero: even in a world without religion or in a atheist world..any kind of human created discrimination would still existed..human prejudice it's older than the oldest "holy book" ever written..
13 years ago Report
Lex_Hardon: 'human prejudice it's older than the oldest "holy book"'

Agreed, but religion takes it one step further and justifies ethnic cleansing. The bible is full of genocide and ethnic cleansing. The quran also has a nice line in foregin policy too, concerning the treatment of jews and how pagans(kufir) should have 'their heads struck from their bodies.'
13 years ago Report
rabbitizer: Religion provides extremists with justifiable explanations in favour of horrible acts that they can "legally" commit with the Bible or Koran or whatever holy scripture in their hand, while in their twisted mind think that they are doing the "right" thing.
13 years ago Report
CandyRivers: Amen to that
13 years ago Report
ponytail: Without religion, we would no more witness wars of the type where "I have to kill you because in my book, you're an infidel".
13 years ago Report
bahcatha2: If only Jesus were an atheist.
13 years ago Report
Talent_M: "Without religion, we would no more witness wars of the type where "I have to kill you because in my book, you're an infidel". " but we said Stalin wasn't believing in god,secondly are all wars religious!!??

I don't understand why people don't study the Question very well? Athiest means doesn't believe in god,thiest means believes in god, so divest all moralities and rules were defined in holy scriptures of the thiest and then answer.
13 years ago Report
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