Video Games and Politics- Should they include messages? Do they already?

LiptonCambell: It's an interesting video that argues that, if we want Video Games to be appreciated as art and a form of expression, we must accept that people will find political agendas within a games forefront or subtext- or that even games will include it within a subtext unintentionally....

Whats your thoughts? Should video games explore political ideas? Are they already?

I especially enjoyed how he looked at Civilization- a game i've enjoyed almost throughout my entire life- and point out the clearly American influences on the gameplay, and how unrealistic it is, and how nationalistic it is, compared to how we view the real world....
9 years ago Report
DEEP_acheleg: i have been an avid player of both the civilizations and bioshock series, and i have yet to support any nationalistic war, nor any intravenous drug use. perhaps some citizens are easily manipulated, idk...
9 years ago Report
LiptonCambell: Did you watch the vid? The subtext is definitely you can win if your culture is overwhelming(Hollywood), but you can't win by, say, ending world hunger....
9 years ago Report
DEEP_acheleg: bioshock infinite
9 years ago Report
chronology: Lipton, you probably would not like the X Box360 Avatar Game, it seems almost 100pc 'political' filled with never ending conflicting Agendas of all kinds. Personally I just enjoy the Game without being partisan for one group more than another. It does not seem to push 'colonialism' or 'anti colonialism' just displays the stage on which such events take place.
But people will always interpret scenes according to their own viewpoint. Walk into any workplace, volunteer group, church, club or whatever and you find people just 'playing a game' of some sorts.
9 years ago Report