why Israel has the right to exist (Page 2)

ryan58581: also for another thing
10 years ago Report
ryan58581: ^ that up their proves that anti-Israel=anti-jew
10 years ago Report

btw this shows that Palestinians prefer Israel over a Palestinians state
10 years ago Report
jelapi23: it shows only that they prefer a 'state' for benefits, over one that isnt there yet. thats all. on the same screen was this: YouTube Try watching that all the way to the end> I dare you to
10 years ago Report
Barbara the Jew
Barbara the Jew: This is historically inaccurate It goes to show you the crap the teach in american university. Political Zionism started with King David! The Palestinain Mandate Included modern day Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Israel. There was more than 5 percent of Jews in this area. The majority of the jews that live in Israel have arab decent. to include Ryan. About six months ago a documentary made in Egypt by Egyptians was made and it discused the role the play as nazi simpetacors and the expultion of the jews in Egypt and the confiscation of their bank accounts and property. Some went to France but most ended up in Israel before its independence.
10 years ago Report
wandermere: Not to mention that "If America Knew" is a worthless source of information, with an agenda. "America Should Agree With Us" would be a more accurate name for it.

Keep in mind, too, that when it is maintained that Arabs with Israeli citizenship really want a Palestine, you are hearing what anti-Zionists always claim is not the case: that Palestinians do not want any "two-state solution". What they want is Israel gone.

They have always rejected the international view that Israel has a right to exist, and they have soaked their heads for 65 years in dreams of the day when they will do to it what their ancestors did to the Crusader kingdoms. They have thought this with perfect consistency whether they were pretending to participate in the Oslo Process or sending their kids across the Green Line to blow themselves up at bus stops.

And this is why the solution that has always been staring them in the face - recognize Israel's right to exist within secure borders and negotiate with it about Palestinian autonomy in the West Bank - has never worked.

10 years ago Report
Barbara the Jew
Barbara the Jew: OMG a sane educated person! Welcome to the forum wandermere
10 years ago Report
ryan58581: acually barbra my dad is from ireland although my grandmother on my mothers side is from cyprus i guess thats kinda arab
10 years ago Report
Barbara the Jew
Barbara the Jew: you told me they were from Morocco!
10 years ago Report
ryan58581: they LIVED in morroco, never said they were morrocans
10 years ago Report
10 years ago Report
Raven M
Raven M: I can't belaive some people claim that others have no right to exist. People that claim this are basically insain there is no point in trying to argue with them. Isreal has at least as much right to excist as Palastine and people that claim that Isreal beleive in killing are just projecting their Palastinian ideals of killing Jews. I am a Christian and whole hardedly believe in Isreals rights. Isreal is more interested in peace than any of its neighbors.
1 year ago Report
margaret32: Because it did and it should now. The Palestinians for the same reasons should have a comparable state. The earth belongs to God not man. Those who live in that Holy Land should live in love and peace if they do God will bless them.
1 year ago Report
Raven M
Raven M: What exactly do you mean by "a comparable state?" Since the fall of the Ottomon Empire, Isreal has had as much right to that land as other states nearby have to thier land.
1 year ago Report
margaret32: So your repeating what I said which is Israel as a right to exist, while asking me what do I exactly mean.

1 year ago Report
shadowline: Israel has the right to exist because it was created legally by the undertakings first of the League if Nations and then by those of the United Nations. Both of the international bodies that have been have approved of the creation of Israel. The League of Nations, by incorporating wording from Britain's "Balfour Declaration" into the instrument conferring the British Mandate, actually made it international law that there SHOULD BE a Jewish state in Palestine. That can't be abrogated. Today Israel is a duly constituted, internationally recognized, legal entity, and the birthplace of by far most of its population. It has the same right to exist as do Canada and the United States.
6 months ago Report
Nadcho: All that blah blah typing to say the brits gave land away they didn't own to begin with.

6 months ago Report
shadowline: The British were appointed by the League of Nations, and they were directed by the League of Nations to help initiate the creation of a "national home for the Jewish people" (as it was called - no one seems to have wanted to use the word 'country' at that point). Neither the League nor Great Britain saw any interference with anyone's rights in that, because they were sure that no one needed to be displaced, or to lose anything they owned, in order to do it. When Britain, under direction from the League of Nations, invited Zionist settlers to go to Palestine they were only giving them permission to BUY land there, from Arab and Turkish landlords who were willing to sell. That is how the Jewish population there was developed to the point where the United Nations considered the establishment of national rights there, for both peoples, to be justice.
(Edited by shadowline)
6 months ago Report
Maximiliano M
Maximiliano M:
If Israel's right to exist means that Palestinians have no right to exist then it by default loses that right to be a country. As a person you have a right to exist, however, when you use your life to oppress or slaughter someone else you lose certain right. You are placed in a position of confinement to protect the lives of others. Israel's "right to exist" does not make it alright to prevent Palestine from being free. Goverments are to be held accountable and this government should not be given an exception. It has to adhere to the standards as any other country.

Everyone is aware that the Israeli government has removed Palestinians from their homes, demolished homes, so many atrocities. Everyone is aware that it has led to displacement, that Palestinians lost what they owned, and had land taken. Are you going to deny this here when the very United Nations has dished out resolutions after resolutions on the matter. Israel is well known for being in violation.

If you want to sink your head in the sand so be it. I don't know who you think is swayed by your nonsensical spins and twists.
5 months ago Report
Maximiliano M
Maximiliano M:
This mess is heavily on the US and other countries who time and time again turned a blind eye to what the Israel Government do and the media that dumbs it down to a 'little thing'. It is as a parent who has allowed their child to have no discipline through the years now it has grown into a terror.
Who can see what is being done this very moment and be calm about it? The US has to put a heavy hand on Israel and pull it back in check.
5 months ago Report
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