Weed? (Page 3)

(Post deleted by staff 12 years ago)
rbnprov: If cancer sticks are legal and you can expose innocent people to cancer... why can't marijuana be legal?? i'd rather trip out and forget things than possibly have cancer!
12 years ago Report
Comrade_: Maybe because you can smoke a cancer stick and still keep control (I'm all for making smoking in public or any business place, illegal), but you can't smoke marijuana and still have control (example while driving a man can have a cig and when he's done he can drive with no effect, someone who takes marijuana or a percentage of alcohol can't)
(Edited by Comrade_)
12 years ago Report


"JackEthan is driving at high speed...drops his cigarette between his legs wearing shorts and/or short shorts or maybe even Speedos attaining third degree burns and responds erratically...thus killing a school bus full of religious zealots aged between 12 and 14...and has so much control...as like cigarettes that cause both bush fires and/or wild fires including mortality thrown out of car windows in summer...alcohol has nothing to do with marijuana as it is a separate liquid drug altogether...nevertheless...cigarettes and alcohol seem to have more in common from anthropological evidence...also Jimmy Hendrix seemed to have had major control of a six string whilst induced by the topic of this very argument"...!...


12 years ago Report
Comrade_: One flaw in your theory...I don't smoke. Also your theory can work with coffee spilling. Being under the influence of marijuana or alcohol, etc (texting while driving too) can cause road accidence based on the person not being in full control of themselves and not due to a "spill accident". The research is already there

one research out of many: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/10/111006173453.htm

(Edited by Comrade_)
12 years ago Report
kriskim: yes legalize it. police should spend their time arresting real (harmful) criminals. people should have free choice on whether or not they want to take drugs.
12 years ago Report
Kaiya_: they should arrest the CIA who brings it in then farms us in the government prisons paid for by the tax payers and profit to the prison contrators who are foreign. the best we can do is just grow it our self or not do it. decrimalze it, not legalize. there should not be mandatory 11 year prison sentences for someone who smoke pot.
12 years ago Report
Wild__: What the f@ck have you been smokin???
12 years ago Report
kriskim: wildman69er.
tell us what the f@ck you been smokin
12 years ago Report
Wild__: Marlboro Reds.
12 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: marijuana-related auto accident percentages are so low that the dept. of transportation does not even keep record of them. studies from the 70's onward have also shown that a person is a slightly better driver on marijuana because they are paranoid and barely intoxicated. marijuana is a very weak intoxicant.you have to smoke a very large quanity to have your driving impared on marijuana, unless you are prone to psychoses- in which case, mariguana could lead to brief psychotic episodes or full-blown schitzophrenia over time.

i cant smopke anymore because im schitzoaffective and marijuana now makes me have panic attacks, but for a normal, healthy adult, it would be a great substitute for alcohol and a myrad of other prescription drugs, and MUCH less intoxicating.

For an average adult, marijuana is far safer at relieving anxiety than the perscription drug xanex. it is far less intoxicating, less addictive and less deadlly- considering the real dangers of xanex intoxication (can make one black out, even) overdose and withdrawl. It is also much safer than alcohol, as well, considering the severe motor skill impairment of alcohol, the real danger of alcohol poisioning and deadly alcohol withdrawl for the severe alcoholic. It is far safer than the perscription drug ergotine for relieving migraines- ergotine can lead to gangrene, yummy! Ergotine is an analog of LSD, btw: both are excriment by-products of the rye mold ergot.

This is what the DEA feeds us, by-products of illegal drugs- cause they are pantentable, while the natural and/or original drug is prohibited, to keep the pockets of the pharmecutical industry lined. Opium is illegal while there are many forms of synthetic opiates available in perscription form, more potent and more addicting than the original, natural opium.. Marijuana is illegal, but, for $1200 a month, a cancer patient can have the perscription Marinol to curb the vomiting from chemo. LSD is illegal, while its less-refined step-brother, ergotine, can cure the same migraine, AND lead to amputation of your foot.

Ooh boy, Big Brother sure is watching out for us, wouldnt you say?
12 years ago Report
Kaiya_: wildman...i dont smoke anything therefore I havent smoked my college diploma. what im saying is we should decriminalize drugs because it is unconstitutional to give mandatory and in some circumstances life sentences to drug users especially when the gov on record is letting it in.
12 years ago Report
Wild__: Ummmm, college diploma?

And in what state in this union do they have an 11 year mandatory sentence for smoking marijuana?
12 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: 3 strike laws...
12 years ago Report
Wild__: The three strikes law only applies to felonies. No where in the U.S. is it a felony to smoke weed.

As I stated on page 2 of this thread...

Prohibition did not work with regards Alcohol or abortion, and continues to fail in regards to drugs and prostitution. Our so called leaders cant just "ban" things and expect the problem to just go away. Prohibition simply does not work!

Marijana should be legalized and regulated identically to the regulation of alcohol. Don't use and drive...duh
12 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: paraphinilia may be felonies in some states. hey, im just thinking out loud. i am pretty sure the definition of a mistomeanor includes "prison sentence-optional"
12 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: but it is a felony to have a certain amount, as well- above like 1/4 ounce in my state. posession of a mere 3.8 grams is automatic felony distribution, whether or not you planned to sell it. having 2 differrent strains of weed bagged seperately is also an automatic felony distribution.
12 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: sometimes even having an empty bag alongside a full bag is felony distribution. a box of baggies is perfectly legal, but, in many states, when baggies are dscovered to be in posession along with marijuana, the empty baggies up the mistomeanor charge of posession to a felony charge of distribution.
12 years ago Report
Wild__: No,

1) I doubt any marijuana paraphernalia is a felony in any state in the Union. If so, feel free to prove me wrong.

2) Misdemeanors NEVER involve a prison sentence!
12 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: no prison sentence REQUIRED, but they are optional. oklahoma penalty for simple marijuana posession is up to $5000 fine and/or 5 years in prison.
12 years ago Report
Wild__: And,

3) The FEDERAL standard for a felony charge is one ounce. That's 28.5 grams.

12 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: virginia is 3.8 grams. the states have the liberty to make stricter laws if they desire.
12 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: in thailand, marijuana trafficing charges get you manditory capital punishment
12 years ago Report
Misdemeanors NEVER involve a prison sentence!

Prison time means felony, in every state in the union.

Some states make it a felony to have a "roach."
12 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: by definition, they dont, but in reality, they can.
12 years ago Report