Scattered Pearls... (Page 2)

Aryaa: ~~ Four Principles of Indian Spirituality ~~

Whomsoever you encounter is the right one.
No one comes into our life by chance. Everyone who is around us, anyone with whom we interact, represents something, whether to teach us something or to help us improve a current situation.

Whatever happened is the only thing that could have happened.
Nothing, absolutely nothing of that which we experienced could have been any other way. Not even in the least important detail. There is no "If only I had done that differently..., then it would have been different...". No...What happened is the only thing that could have taken place and must have taken place for us to learn our lesson in order to move forward. Every single situation in life which we encounter is absolutely perfect, even when it defies our understanding and our ego.

Each moment in which something begins is the right moment.
Everything begins at exactly the right moment, neither earlier nor later. When we are ready for it, for that something new in our life, it is there, ready to begin.

What is over, is over.
It is that simple. When something in our life ends, it helps our evolution. That is why, enriched by the recent experience, it is better to let go and move on.
13 years ago Report
Aryaa: ~~ You are the Masterpiece ~~

Just because a group of people do not accept you as you are, there is no necessity for you to strip yourself of your originality.

You need to think good of yourself, for the world takes you at your own estimate. Never stoop down in order to gain recognition.

Never let go of your true self to win a relationship. In the long run, you will regret that you traded your greatest glory - your uniqueness, for momentary validation.

Even Gandhi was not accepted by many people. The group that does not accept you as you is not your world.

There is a world for each one of you, where you shall reign as king /queen by just being yourself. Find that world... in fact, that world will find you.

Everything and everybody has been designed with a proportion of uniqueness to serve a purpose that we can fulfill only by being our unique self.

You as you alone can serve your purpose and I as I alone can serve my purpose. You are here to be you... just you.

Don't miss yourself and let the world not miss you.

In the history of the universe, there has been nobody like you and to the infinite of time to come, there will be no one like you.

Existence should have loved you so much that it broke the mould after making you, so that another of your kind will never get repeated.

You are original. You are rare. You are unique. You are a wonder. You are a masterpiece. .. your Master's piece. Celebrate your Uniqueness."

nice read.
13 years ago Report
Aryaa: True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us.
- Socrates
12 years ago Report
Aryaa: We can fool ourselves for all sorts of reasons. Mostly for the sake of our ego, of course, but sometimes, I now understand, because we are afraid.

For sometimes we are afraid to hope, because hope breeds expectations, and expectation can lead to disappointment.

--R.A. Salvatore in Road of the Patriarch
12 years ago Report
Ms Aryaa
Ms Aryaa: A beautiful passage that I read today.....written by Caleb Williams.

“Every man carries within him the eternal image of woman … This image is fundamentally unconscious, an hereditary factor of primordial origin … an imprint or ‘archetype’ of all the ancestral experiences of the female, a deposit, as it were, of all the impressions ever made by woman” Carl Jung, Collected Works 17:338

All my life I have been haunted, and sometimes pursued by an angel archetype. I have wondered where this comes from? Encounters with this archetype have been the cause of experiences filled with otherworldly elation, wonder and beauty as well as incredible disaster, suffering and grief.

I have met this archetype in many forms throughout my life: it gave birth to me, I married it; I have loved it, lost and regained it several times over: it goes, but I know inside me it is never gone for long. It is too interested in me and I am too interested in it. So yes, it keeps returning in a slightly different shape, with minutely altered characteristics, but otherwise substantially the same. I see the cycles, I know the dramas, I have read the script, memorized the lines, and know the ending.

But my vision of it refuses to pass. This archetype resonates deeply inside me and all the efforts of wisdom, emotional pragmatism, and philosophic analysis have failed to eradicate this figure I seem to know so well, this tantalizing angel, this mischievous, eternally present Aphrodite, this vanishing and returning, fascinating and perplexing, milk skinned goddess figure who never allows me to fully forget her. Indeed, there are some deep patternings inside ourselves that elude rational analysis: “the heart has reasons of which reason itself is unaware”.

Every time I have gained and lost my archetype, I have also stepped across a threshold into a state of temporary tragedy. The tragic in life, as opposed to novel, film or play, however is never a state of absolute finality. The tragic moment in life is actually one of enormous redemptive power and potential. In tragedy we give birth to ourselves. And life demands from us the honesty to do this.

Our true self is always more complex, mysterious, elusive and resistant to analysis than the bright, extroverted persona we project at the world, and sometimes it takes tragedy to expose it, to bring it to light, because our true self contains our shadow too: the dark space within us that is filled with all that we hide and deny, all we yearn after and desire.

My archetype still glimmers at me from deep inside my shadow. We have pursued and fled from each other, magnetized and repelled, clung onto each other and let go of each other many times. And I am glad I have had those experiences. They have allowed me to struggle to give birth to who I am, to authentically produce myself myself as as a human being. As I have got older I have discovered life never gives you exactly what you want, but it does present opportunities for confrontation and illumination with the truth of who you are.

And what could be more generous?
by Caleb Williams

12 years ago Report
Ms Aryaa
Ms Aryaa: What if you slept?
And what if in your sleep, you dreamed?
And what if in your dream you went to heaven and there plucked a strange and beautiful flower?
And what if, when you woke, you had the flower in your hand?
Ah! What then?

-Samuel Taylor Coleridge
12 years ago Report