OKay, all you "philosophers" : define life (Page 3)

virginkiss: lol, Milghi, LOVE that definition-"the gap between life and death"!
Short, sweet, and to the point!
no disrespect intended, btw
14 years ago Report
Mil: Actually ambiguity makes more confuse so short is best
14 years ago Report
virginkiss: lol i can attest to that
14 years ago Report
Sandrasp333: "philosophers"& no philosophers
13 years ago Report
virginkiss: lol Sand, I was really feeling quite lonely the day i posted this, and as i've stated, i posted this mainly for human interaction- so by saying "philosopher" in quotes, i presented a challenge, saying they weren't philosophers at all. by oresenting this challenge, i hoped to secure posts- though, what i found voted almost unaminously, was that it wasn't really attention i was seeking, but an answer to someting in my life *shrugs* either way i got what i wanted that day lol
13 years ago Report
smoke4ever: life is preparation for eternity, but what about all the people that die young?
12 years ago Report
deuce916: Life is everchanging, it goes on for eternity. It is made up of feelings. Everything has feelings & that's what life is - everchanging feelings.
12 years ago Report
P4IN: @the title
Okay all you idiots, look it up.
12 years ago Report
CoIin: * looks up*

It says.... "a compartment raised or lowered in a vertical shaft to transport people or goods to another floor in a building"

Need me to solve anything else? The problem of "free won't" perhaps?
12 years ago Report
Livefree22: To exspress the meaning of life to people in words, would not be the meanning of life.. the meanning of life is not of mind or matter it is not of percetions or idears.. the meanning of life is ungraspabel but yet always within us,around us,and all at the same time no wear! the meanning of life dusent make sence, but yet it works. life is simply life and in trying to find its meanning you are pulled further away from it..
12 years ago Report
(Post deleted by deuce916 12 years ago)
deuce916: Thanks for the thumbs up.
12 years ago Report
FrenchKiss7: 3 things in life

12 years ago Report
smoke4ever: 4 things actually, love, pray, eat, sleep
12 years ago Report
smoke4ever: oops, i mean 5 things
love, pray, smoke, eat, sleep
12 years ago Report
Livefree22: hey deuce, your welcome i liked your words very well chosen..
12 years ago Report
Livefree22: sex is a bueatiful thing to exsperiance, but unfortunatly miss used, alcohole is for thows who wish to cut themselves of from there spiritual self (The Soul) this isnt always the person fault, ther soul may be in pain so they drink to cut of the empty pain within. love is very importent better if its unconditional and from the soul not the mind, the idear of love is not love. eatting is a vital part of life as we know, but always good to only eat when hungrey not out of habbit. To pray is a great creative tool, but remember the law of attraction works with your thoughts and feelings. every thought you think is a prare to the univers, the univers duse not proceve good and bad, it will bring to you whatever you think of most, weather it is a good thing or bad thing! and smokeing is a habbit there is no exscuse to be a smoker, but some choose to egnore the habbit or are so controle via the mind they would never have the caperbility to change. anyways duno y i decided to wright all of this? lol words are pointless really, ppls brains will always find a reson to go against them.. oh well..
(Edited by Livefree22)
12 years ago Report
damieson61: Angel4eva, might want to invest in a dictionary the typo's in that post make it barely readable.

To say that life could be defined by a few acts, such as sex, eating, sleeping is absolutely ridiculous. Those things are considered necessities, they do not define our existence, they are there merely so we can exist. If you live your life according only to those it may be very much unfulfilled.

I also don't believe that the purpose of life is to be "happy." This is too simplistic, one can be happy purely out of ignorance and naiveity, and how would the world progress based on this? I think the purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, to be compassionate. It is, above all, to matter and to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you lived at all.
12 years ago Report
CoIin: good answer
12 years ago Report
damieson61: Cheers.
12 years ago Report
Livefree22: im soz if i am not a very good speller or good with grammer. i was juct comenting on someone ealses post, not making my own statment.. i was just outlining a few things that is all.. the meanning of life is simpel and effortless i dont need to use words to describe it because it wouldent do any good for anyone, or be the true meanning of life. anyways i am not comenting anymore, this stuff just gives ppls minds the chance to react or rebel and i do not want to creat reaction or recive recognition.. sorry once again that my spelling and grammer wasnt up to scrach for you. i have never been good in this area due to lack of tutering from my teachers at school due to bullying by students.
(Edited by Livefree22)
12 years ago Report
ubay oweis
(Post deleted by staff 12 years ago)
beanalbert: life is a dream when u wake up u wont be any more...
12 years ago Report
youllthinkyourehappy: It's really interesting, how most people define life only from a human's perspective.Anyways.. i'd say, that life is the continuous movement of energy in time.
12 years ago Report
stingray101: Life is the eternal struggle between good and evil. Without evil there is no good. Without good there is no evil. It is so simple. You have the choice. Was it good that Gaddafi was killed or was it evil? If you are doing something that you consider good can it be evil and vice versa. Simple isn`t it. Keep thinking. Keep developing Keep striving. Keep doing good or evil for eternity.
12 years ago Report