Does having a job dealing with children give you the right to dictate all parents decisions?

Secret Mastermind
Secret Mastermind: Does working in a field dealing with children give you the right to say how to raise children. For things like "If you tell them about Santa or not, What religion you are, when you tell your kids about sex, what movies you let them watch, if you choose to put your girls in dresses or pants or dictate if you have a right to have children based on such things"? Yes or no?
10 years ago Report
PrincessTigerSunset: As as person who works with teens in the church that I attend. It is not my job to Parent the child. However, I have an open communication with the parent, and their wishes are met. I encourage the kids to talk to their parents, but there are something a student doesn't want to talk to their parent about. Such as having sex.

I cannot be a childs parent, but I can make suggestions to the parent, based on experience, and have to respect their decision.
10 years ago Report
Secret Mastermind
Secret Mastermind: So is it fair for someone to say to a child care professional I do not want to expose my child to sex at an early age such as 6 and not let them watch a lot of sexual stuff till in later teen years. To get a reply from the care professional to say "You would make an awful parent I hope you never have any or is that out of line"? Should the person who does not want to teach sex very early be told they are awful or be pressured into doing it since someone with a degree has the right to dictate how everyone raises there children?
10 years ago Report
PrincessTigerSunset: First of all, that is the parents decision. And I would never tell a parent I thought they were aweful for wanting to tell their son or daughter in later years. With that said, I would suggest they not wait past the age of 10 or 11 as statistics show that children are sexually active by the age of 12.
10 years ago Report
Secret Mastermind
Secret Mastermind: Yes but many people are pushing for it to be taught at age 5 and 6 and think anyone who does not follow that is an ignorant religious moron. They also want to teach 5,6 year olds how to use a condom in class instead of teaching it to children around 11. (Not saying I believe religion is morons. Just the overall belief of some of the people pushing for it to be taught to very young kids).
(Edited by Secret Mastermind)
10 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 10 years ago)
Secret Mastermind
Secret Mastermind: What? What the heck did you do danny?
10 years ago Report
TTauresa: Get real. this is the digital age, children are exposed to hard core porn on the net every day and if parents are naive enough to think their kids dont look at this images, think again! A lot of kids have phones with access to the internet and some parents dont have an idea on how to control their kid's phones so the children are more exposed to sex at a younger age! If they dont have a phone their friends do and they can look at porn at school during the play time!! Education is the only way forward, the younger the better so they do no make mistakes that can affect them the rest of their life
10 years ago Report
Secret Mastermind
Secret Mastermind: Not really Tuaresa. A lot of children are not given phones with internet. Yet its being marketed to children 8 and below but simply being so does not mean every parent is going to buy a 6 year old a cell phone. Gameboy maybe but I know a lot of younger children who do not own cell phones. Also that was not really the question I was getting at. I am saying does being in that position give you a right to belittle or dictate people and parents. So you are going a bit off topic there. Its ignorant to believe just because tv says "Buy your kid a cell phone" that every kid in the world is going to get that cellphone. When I was 11 Ipod was cool. I never got an ipod. Not all parents are going to follow media demands. You need to wake up and see reality for what it really is. A spoiled rich kid might get anything and everything they demand but not all people spoil there kids like yours probably did.
(Edited by Secret Mastermind)
10 years ago Report
TTauresa: How sad that you are making a personnal judgement on me! I wrote the above because I work in a field that sees what I wrote about too often! What I should have said in that some topics such as sex, should be discussed in an educational environment! As the statistics speak for themselves with regards to teenage pregnacies, so, the education department has a duty to educate students, as its obvious some parents are NOT educating their children on very important topics! Its not a black or white "yes" or "no" answer you seek, each topic you raised in your original questions has their own standing to either be discussed in an education setting or not! By the way, If you dont want everyone to comment about your post, make it a private post!
10 years ago Report
pinkphenomenon: Education begins at home and then goes mainstream with schooling.. sex ed begins being taught at the age of eight upwards as some children are unfortunate to begin puberty quite young... again, in school. If a parents child is going through puberty I would then say that the talk of hygiene and understanding the differences between male and females is required at home too, just so the child knows that its okay to talk about it to their parents or teachers.. but as regards the thorough discussion about sex and protection, I reckon the age of twelve and upwards is appropriate...
If you don't believe in Santa Claus and my child did and you as an adult told him he wasn't real, Do you think just because you have a childcare degree or a degree for working with children that that was the right thing to do? Religion makes people believe in something, what's a little magic and disguising the nasties of the world to children? They have to believe in something truly awesome so They can dream big, use their imaginations and I dunno, smile and laugh?
I have degrees. But a piece of paper means nothing unless you have experience.. let me tell you somethin, experience shouts louder than a degree.. some parents are new completely new to parenting, with little to no support. But I will never tell them that their parenting their happy child wrong, because their child is happy. Once their physical, emotional and well being needs are being met who am I, with my fancy titles after my degrees tell them that they're doing it wrong. They should be on this brand of diapers opposed to that kind they're using. Who am I to tell them that their child needs sex education when they're probably as lucky as I was.. I had a childhood, puberty hit me when I was 16. It was then, I was taught the thorough details, now I understand not every girl is as lucky but like my parents, I will wait until my son hits it to begin discussing of thoroughly. Maybe other parents are doing the same.. dealing with that bridge when They come to it.
10 years ago Report
Comandante FiLTH
Comandante FiLTH:
A person can 'dictate' all the want to me. Let them talk. I might give their words consideration or I might just tell them to shut the fúck up (depends). I always cipher out the words in my mind and see if it will help me in being a better parent but at the end of the day I'll be making the decisions on how my kid will be raised. Their job is just that, theirs, my job is to be the best father I'm capable of being and this is more personal because I'm dealing directly with him, I know his personality and I know his needs. I know that when he asks me questions that he wants straightforward questions, I also know that I will not be telling him things that I know to be false. I never taught him that Santa was real, it doesn't matter now as he already knows the truth about Santa, if I tell him that Santa exists today he'll laugh at me. I've only taught him on how to protect himself from sex predictors and respect his body, he's not ready to learn anything deeper at this point.
You have to know your kid and not feel pressured to follow outside sources, you can consider their words though (if you want). If you think that their words will benefit you and your kid(s). The most important thing is to find out what stage your child is at and if educating him/her about certain things will benefit him/her. I don't think all kids are the same or at the same level. So talk with your child and find out then move along with him/her at their level.
(Edited by Comandante FiLTH)
10 years ago Report
Zanjan: Marshal: "So is it fair for someone to say to a child care professional I do not want to expose my child to sex at an early age such as 6 and not let them watch a lot of sexual stuff till in later teen years."

Yes, absolutely! The parents call the shots and that's their God-given right and responsibility. Only when there is evidence of abuse and neglect will this right be taken from them by the authorities.

The government often dictates, through the school, how parents are to raise their children. In my country, parents are fined if they send a kid to school with what government deems is an inappropriate lunch, then they will feed the child what they feel is appropriate. The solution to that is change to a different school - a private one, a religious one, or home school.

(Edited by Zanjan)
10 years ago Report
Zanjan: " I am saying does being in that position give you a right to belittle or dictate people and parents"

That would be very unprofessional but it happens. In what capacity is the professional dealing with the child? Is this a Pediatric Psychiatrist, a school teacher, a foster parent, a day care operator?? Has the parent specifically sought specialty guidance? What was the exact choice of words used?

I would suggest we keep our eye on the ball - is this professional educating students or educating parents? These are two separate fields, both requiring courses with consistent attendance..

Regardless, if any person, professional or otherwise, tells a parent they're awful, they've stuck their nose into a place that's not their business.

The child should be taught from the earliest age that he will have to engage with people who have different beliefs then his family does, and even himself. The proper way to handle that is with respect - that beliefs shouldn't interfere with practical functioning.

" I don't think all kids are the same or at the same level."

This is exactly true! Now, convince the government children aren't members of a herd.

10 years ago Report
Comandante FiLTH
Comandante FiLTH: The government tries too much to be Politically Correct, Zanjan and that might be the issue in the Education system. There's the 'no child left behind', where it is pc to say that children should move ahead together. What they don't seem to realise that it is ok to state that all kids are not the same or progress in the same way. From there the system can be re-evaluated to find out why this is the case. It might just be that kids learn in different ways and the 'slower' ones need a newer, more personal method of learning/teaching. They're not 'dumb', just learn in different ways.
10 years ago Report