Galactic Federation of Light--(ets) messages on Ascension , the end of the illuminati cabal (Page 44)

ghostgeek: One could argue that the current imbroglio in Iraq is a result of Western dithering over Syria and Sunni resentment in Iraq. Far simpler to believe than highfalutin talk of Cabals.
9 years ago Report
lori100: The illum and blackwater, academi are the real hired thugs....and cabals are very real...
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Tell that to the people in Iraq Lori. I would be interested to know their response.
(Edited by ghostgeek)
9 years ago Report
lori100: Yes, it is the U.S. govt keeping violence and chaos going ...
9 years ago Report
chronology: The Iraqi Government has officially requested U.S. assistance in restraining the ISIS mobs taking control of Iraqi towns. But this is problematical to say the least. ISIS are using Taxi's in some towns to get around and supply their Units. So if Predator Drones strike ISIS controlled towns, Taxi's are likely to be prime targets. We can only hope Cabbies understand the risks and stay at home for the time being.

Also, ISIS members in the UK have called for Lee Rigby style attacks on British Troops in the UK in retaliation for any Air Strikes. It would be interesting to hear what Cabbies in New York and London think of ISIS putting their fellow Cabbies in Iraq in the Cross Hairs of Predator Drones.

9 years ago Report
lori100: salusa----------As we see it the present time is most exciting for you as at long last you are lifting up out of the lower vibrations, having surmounted the many challenges that have faced you. It has been a journey that has at times sorely tested you, but you have a driving force with you that keeps you pushing forwards at all times. You have now reached a stage when by comparison it will become a lot easier to progress, and you will not be challenged at every turn by the lower vibrations. You will in fact notice how much easier life moves along in harmony with your desires and is more fulfilling. So you can release any attachment to the vibrations that no longer serve your purpose. From hereon you will rise up more rapidly and life will become a pleasure, providing you do not maintain your past links with situations that have proved to be of a negative nature. You are progressing to a point when you will break your associations with anything less than the Light, as they no longer serve your true purpose.
To some of you the tasks ahead may sound frightening, but bear in mind that there is always help not far away if you need assistance. Indeed, there are unlimited sources of help and there is no situation that cannot be overcome. Your progress is followed at all times by those souls that dwell in the higher dimensions, and particularly at this time because your success is also important to their evolution. Every soul has numerous helpers that cover each stage of your evolution as if you were to fail, the delay would put back their evolution, but have no fear as your future success is assured. Also do not be concerned about other souls that you may know, as all of you will find your exact level quite automatically and there cannot be any mistakes in this respect.

Every living thing whether animate or inanimate is progressing and evolving however slowly, and you are what you might say, the centre piece that is evolving very quickly. It is probably a good time to remind you that you came to Earth by dropping down through the various levels. So as you rise up again you are in fact returning to levels that you were once present in before this particular time. Life is all about experiences, and once you rise up out of the lower dimensions you will have more say in where your future incarnations take you.

Life abounds everywhere in the Universe, and whilst on Earth you have been “isolated” for your protection to prevent interference with your evolution. It is true that certain ET species have been allowed to contact you over many centuries, but their presence has been monitored and carefully followed. They have been allowed to alter your future by their actions, but only to give you experiences that have assisted your evolution. As you will learn in the not too distant future, you have in fact been held back from truly evolving by the dark Ones You have been prevented from advancing further into the true Space Age, by not being allowed to benefit from progress denied you by those who have kept it for themselves. However, once they are out of the way we can openly meet you and your evolution will take a giant step forwards.
9 years ago Report
lori100: “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

― Voltaire
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: The way it's getting, that's just about everyone.
9 years ago Report
lori100: “The Event”

Earth and the inhabitants have been in 25,000 years of imprisonment and quarantine (black hole). We have been controlled and manipulated by the dark side – or as we call them, The Cabal. We are now to exit the black hole after 25,000 years of prison. Our planet is the last one in the galaxy to be liberated. This exit is the EVENT HORIZON, or THE THE EVENT will be a moment of breakthrough for the planet which will be physical and non physical.

On the non physical plane there will be a big wave or flash of Divine energy and light coming from the Galactic Central sun going towards the surface of the planet. (The galactic central sun is an object in the Sagittarius constellation.) It will be a flash or special kind of light from the Sun that permeates the earth and humanity. It will calm humanity in the light of love energy and end duality. It’s a magnificent energy not seen or felt before on earth. Everyone on earth will feel and know something has happened. It will be a surprise as to when it will happen, even for us. It’s never happened before. It will not be a major shock event, it will be a positive event.

On the physical plane there will be:

1. The arrest of the Cabal (already started)

2. The re-set of the Financial Systems

3. Disclosure – the release of ET information

4. The beginning of a new, fair financial system with prosperity funds for all humanity.

5. NEW Government/Political system, Education system, Health care system, etc.

6. Awakening of humanity slowly and gradually to the existence of positive non-terrestrial races and our galactic connections.

7. Introduction of new advanced technologies.

8. The release of spiritual growth and healing for every human being on the planet
(Edited by lori100)
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Are we talking aliens here or God?
9 years ago Report
chronology: Lori dear girl, you do say some jolly strange things. I look forward to having a Mad Hatters Tea Party with you and your neighbours some time on your lawn in Los Angeles. But it must be iced lemon tea in this hot weather, Americans are so artistic in presenting chilled glasses with slices of lemon and chunks of rough ice.
9 years ago Report
lori100: The Event is from God, it is divine energy. I think it is what has been mentioned by the Virgin Mary at one of her appearances on earth. She told a group of children a similar event would happen, one of them was given the exact date, not to be told to anyone. She said a miraculous sign would appear at a site, all would know it's not natural , but divine. It would be videotaped and witnessed by thousands, and all who are present would be instantly healed of any illnesses or disabilities at the site.--- could be part of the same Event...
9 years ago Report
Corwin: Who uses video tape anymore??
9 years ago Report
lori100: ...recorded...on t.v., too...
9 years ago Report
(Post deleted by lori100 9 years ago)
chronology: Lori ............. honestly. I do not want to go into details, but a gigantic 'vision' of the Virgin Mary 'appeared' in the clouds above Russian Trenches in WW1. She was holding the Baby Jesus and with her eyes filled with love she told the simple Russian soldiers to 'go home, go home, stop this fighting .....'

There was mass panic among the Russian troops who fled from the trenches and ran back to their villages.

All I will say is, when Berlin found out about the incident, it scolded it's Special Units in the East and told them to stop using Religious Symbols.

So if people are reporting seeing Mary in the clouds, well Lori dear, take it with a pinch of salt.
9 years ago Report
What about the ones from the towns and cities?? Where did they run to??
9 years ago Report
lori100: Some may have been fake, but some appearances of the Virgin Mary have results that no one could explain---in her daily appearances in Medjugorje,Bosnia for instance. She appears at the same time there every day to teens, now adults. When she appears, all the birds, insects, animals nearby are completely silent and still during her appearance as she speaks to her chosen contacts. As soon as she leaves all the birds, animals, insects move and make noise again....every single time...
9 years ago Report
(Post deleted by lori100 9 years ago)
lori100: gal fed-----------Things are happening to liberate you from governance that works to suppress your freedom, and release you from lies about what it is doing. This tyranny is now to be transformed. When America first announced its independence, it did so in a manner which permitted its sacred declaration to proclaim why it was to be a special beacon of liberty. This proclamation was gradually silenced by those who shared allegiances with individuals in Britain who wished to espouse tyranny over freedom and wealth accumulation over the divine rights of each American. This blasphemy is now to be transformed and new governance announced, to reverse the recent sins against this great land. This is to bring peace, prosperity and cooperation to Gaia and her surface humanity!

This is only a small but still pertinent aspect of what is nearing manifestation. Our earthly associates continue to move forward quickly on those operations which are to bring new financial and banking instruments. The wealth long hidden by the great dynastic and spiritual families is almost ready to be distributed. This is to be accompanied by new banking procedures that are backed up by new and transparent laws. In addition, those who have long hidden behind this immense skullduggery are to be arrested and removed from the illicit wealth that they have accumulated for decades. Our associates intend to bring forth both a distribution of wealth and to impose globally a great jubilee. During this year of jubilee all debts are to be forgiven and all are to start fresh in this new prosperous reality.
9 years ago Report
lori100: Cosmic Awareness---------It is the urgent matter of the shooting down of the Malaysian airliner 17. This, the most recent attack on the Malaysian company, the Malaysian airliners that have over the last four months been targeted twice now.-----------This Awareness does say that they have been targeted, for it has not been accidental or without purpose and reason why the attacks on the Malaysian air fleet occurred. It is not random, it is not coincidental. Therefore this Awareness does assert at this time that this most recent event, this shooting down of the Malaysian airliner is intentional and is connected to the first act of atrocity against an innocent company and an innocent group of individuals.----------The Western nations certainly hold that it is the fault of the Russian-supported rebels in eastern Ukraine and are alleging even that perhaps Russia itself was in involved in this matter.------------------------------However, if one then asks the same question of the Ukraine, of the West, then one might see that it is an advantage to the Western powers to make such claims, to apportion the blame upon Russia so that they receive the support of the world against Russia.
It would not be the first time that innocent people were sacrificed in a red flag event to manipulate feelings and thoughts, to win support for a future action that is already planned. This occurred to promote the Vietnamese war many decades ago, when allegedly an American ship was attacked, which provoked a response which led the American government to action and the Vietnamese war occurred. This happened for 911 where it was already the intent to invade Afghanistan and Iraq but an event was needed that would polarize public opinion against the Taliban and against those forces in that region, that would allow American and allied troops to go in.
----------Now is yet again another incident that is being used to serve the same purpose. Now again, innocent ones have been murdered, have been executed to serve the purpose and plan of others who seek to manipulate popular opinion towards action against Russia, promoting the arrival of NATO troops in the Ukraine in response to the incident and other incidents that are also planned.
------------------------------That this again is a red flag event with purpose and plan to suit and serve the cause of one side. Therefore this event, these occurrences must also be looked at [from] a place that provides one the capacity to view this matter, not in a dualistic manner where one side is right, the other is wrong, and one must act on behalf of those right against those who are perceived to be wrong. But rather from unity consciousness, seeing both sides, understanding that there are forces that would manipulate and use innocent ones, not only the victims of this horrendous event but all others who would respond and be willing to go to war to serve the needs of an elite, a cabal of power, corruption and darkness that uses humanity and has always used humanity to serve their own purposes.
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Lori, have you studied the response of the European nations to the trouble in the Ukraine? Very limp wristed. A few sanctions but otherwise business as usual. The French are adamant that the arms deal they have with Russia will go ahead and the Germans aren't going to upset their trade links either. So, given the reality over here in Europe, can you see Obama sending American troops to face off against Russia? In my estimation, not very likely. This makes me think the conflict in the Ukraine is what it looks like. A squabble between people who can't get on with each other.
9 years ago Report
lori100: I've seen some of the responses. Two Malay. jets destroyed....not a coincidence...there is more going on there....
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Let us not forget that we only know what happened to one of those jets and even there we're still pretty much guessing.
9 years ago Report
dave3974: the truth is the russians have a just cause
9 years ago Report