Galactic Federation of Light--(ets) messages on Ascension , the end of the illuminati cabal (Page 4)

OCD_OCD: Resistance is futile.
11 years ago Report
lori100: gal fed---salusa---------Viewing your activities we see so many groups grasping the mantle of freedom and doing good work that is speeding up the inevitable end of the last Cabal. We shall be there to give them a final push into oblivion, so that they will no longer pose a threat to you or us.

That will be the signal for us to go speeding ahead with our mission. With the best will in the world the collapse of the economy is imminent and cannot be avoided. What you are seeing is the last desperate attempts of the dark Ones to hang on to what they still have, but their power is dwindling very quickly.

Some governments that we have contacted are alive to the changes and ready to co-operate, whilst others are reluctant and try to maintain the old system. The truth is no matter what they do to prevent it, the changes are coming and they will be unable to avoid having to take part. It does not matter what political persuasion is involved, like every other country they will have no alternative but to change.

The solutions that we offer to overcome your problems are the only answers that will enable a fairly quick result. They will keep the inconvenience to you down to a minimum, and understanding the necessity for them will ensure the plans are well supported.
-------------The Arms Industry and all other aspects of military forces will be dismantled, but in time a Peace Force will replace them that will act purely for defensive reasons. At present the military and their bases around the world pose threats that can incite war, and that also will change. In the future no country will have foreign troops on their soil, and people will be left in no doubt that peace is going to be permanent and upheld by us.

So as you can see the plans for your freedom and return of your sovereignty are well in hand, and it means that you have no need to be worried about threats of war. It will not be allowed and we have made it quite clear that nuclear weapons are not to be used, and we will enforce that order.

The way to Ascension grows bigger and is attracting even more souls who have found the trust and belief in what we and our allies are working for. Simply, our Dear Ones, there is no other way and believe us that all of the issues concerning your Ascension have been thoroughly discussed and we have reached the optimum conclusion. We are doing what is best for everyone without infringing people’s freewill to move onto a different path if that is their choice.

It had never been our brief to impose our views upon you, but to ensure that those wishing to ascend have every opportunity to do so. The changes are what you have sought but have been denied by the Illuminati to prevent your upliftment. So acceptance of them seems quite natural as they were already planned as part of your life experience.

Few souls can recall their life plan, and indeed it is best that you deal with your challenges as they come up, as otherwise you try to pre-empt them and alter the outcome. Sometimes you take clairvoyant-given readings that explain situations to you, and that kind of help is permissible, but the final decision and action taken is totally up to you. In the same way no one else can take on your Karma, but some souls will by arrangement work with you to help you.

Some souls will find it hard to believe that they volunteered to experience in Duality. Yet each and everyone one of you did so, knowing that you would be speeding up your own evolution and adding to the pool of knowledge. Subconsciously all of this is known to you, together with the promise from those on high who have closely followed your progress for millennia of time to assist you.

They serve God and also serve you and carry out the plan for your Ascension. The word has been given that under no circumstances will the dark Ones be allowed to succeed in preventing your Ascension, and that is why you should seize this marvellous opportunity to ascend together with Mother Earth.

There are some difficult times ahead but you will survive them, and the outcome will see you rising even higher into the Light.
-----------------The dark Ones are masters at stirring up trouble, but we know their intentions and keep them very much in check.

They do not take the initiative every time as we can anticipate their moves and stop them achieving the results they seek, and it is sapping their morale which is already at a low point. Their game is up, and their time is up, and they would do well to withdraw and allow the game to be played out as planned. However, they remain obstinate to try and put off their inevitable destiny and detention that calls for them to answer for their crimes against Humanity.
11 years ago Report
lori100: gal fed-------You are going to find and realize in the time ahead how so very distorted many of your prevalent mindsets have been as a planet, as you have split and divided yourselves into different countries, different religious beliefs and different ways of Living, being and perceiving your outer world. Doing so has Created mass rifts within your planetary collective consciousness, as by nature you are all united and there is nothing in the higher dimensions that can keep you dear souls from realizing your inherent unity and Oneness as a collective.

However, in the lower realms and especially on your world, separation and divisiveness have held you dear souls back from realizing this Oneness. You are all One entity of supreme, Lighted consciousness and while you have taken temporary and dense human forms, you are to realize that you are pure energy by nature.

Energy is what runs and forms your Lives. You have all gotten yourselves used to physicality and what it offers for some time but you are beginning to transcend the mindsets that have quite literally trapped you within physicality as you find the higher realms ever-increasingly.

The separation that is fed by humanity on a mass scale will have to end if you dear souls wish to find the united collective consciousness that you truly do have the ability to find, if only the separation can come to such a clear and just end. You dear souls are to realize that you are all One unique and infinite consciousness and that you are all energy as well and upon this realization coming to the fore of your memory and perception, you are to find a harmonious unity with every single person around you.

Hates, fears and general prejudices have been fed on your world between different classes, races and genders of souls and you are to find the separation that holds you back at present, simply melding away. Our presence upon your world is to be a significant happening in your history and is in fact to be quite revolutionary for your world as you will perceive yourselves as having made First Contact, but it will of course be explained that we have made routine contacts with your world for quite a long amount of your time.

The Galactic Federation has been in existence for longer than Gaia’s planetary structure in the current form She is existing within, and we have been monitoring your world and helping you all to ascend within every time period throughout your history. At times we were more direct with our interactions and at times we simply let you play-out your experiences as needed, as you dear souls must be allowed to see-out your experiences if you wish to attain a proper evolution.

We ask you dear souls to expose to yourselves and meld away, the fears and separation-based attitudes within yourselves that many of you may not realize are still lurking below the surface, as you are being given events in your Lives that are serving to [help] expose this fear to you as you transmute that which has been holding you back exponentially.
-----------The dark souls on your world have woven quite a tangled web and have layered their propaganda on quite thick to the point of our existence being a subject of ridicule or for many, fear; as many fear our presence on your world because they fear a perceived invasion [from lower forces] that is not to be allowed to happen. --------The veils in which you are operating under currently are necessary for your perception of the lower dimensions without becoming exposed to the higher realms until performing the proper Life path work, and are not in fact the work of any entities with dark or ill intent. There will be many disclosures to be had for you dear souls in the time ahead and one big misconception that we will have to clear up will be that of just how much power the lower forces have had on your world.

As the dark souls on your world and the lower astral beings who employ them have gotten many dear unknowing souls to feed them through predetermined mindsets that the dark have gotten many on your world to believe, a facet of the propaganda that they give out is attributing [nearly] anything to be the invention of the dark.

The fact that you are operating under a veil of forgetfulness is certainly not an attempt from a lower entity to hold you dear souls back and rather, the veils you are operating under are necessary so that you can realize the illusory and closed-off nature of such veils as you work to surpass them within yourselves.

The dark souls are truly only given as much power as you dear souls attribute to them and if you attribute too much power and intent to them, then you will only feed them and their actions and this is why they have taken any avenue that they can funnel their disinformation through to attempt to convince you dear souls that they are in control and that the souls who employ them are in control.

Our scribe has noticed that many dear souls on your world are still experiencing chemtrails and pollution manifested in your skies.

We say that we are working with the collective Light manifested in any given area to help nullify these chemtrails continually and there are different ‘stages’ we can take to utilizing the collective Light to dissolve pollution manifested in any given area.

Every area on your world is experiencing a cleansing of chemtrails to one degree or another, but the potency of the Lighted work we are able to perform in relation to cleansing chemtrails and much of the pollution in your skies in general is again, [determined by] how much and how pure the Light we are receiving from you dear souls is.
----------You dearest souls are making incredible strides now and you are reaching the final points that you have needed to reach to see you integrating the vestiges of the lower dimensional experience that you had branded previously as too hard for yourselves to surface.

You have all diverted away from your intended paths many times throughout a plethora of Lives and we say that no matter the extent you take yourself off of your path, you have always been and still are on a path to full consciousness; it is simply that you are making the decisions that lead you to different intersections along this path.

You choose different styles of Living and being and you try on different ideologies and mind sets throughout a plethora of Lives to see which resonate with you the most before you set yourselves on the path to transmuting all that has held you back [from the higher dimensions]. ----------The lower realities are lower facets of an ultimately grand, multifaceted diamond of pure consciousness, and you have entered your lower realities quite specifically to host you within specific frames of mind and heart, so that you could learn specific lessons and gain a plethora of insight and experience, which you have done with your entrance and successful exit from the lower dimensions of the Earth.

Your goals have not just been to find yourselves existing on the Earth and to enjoy the various lower dimensional labels and suits that you would wear during such a trip, but for you to literally uplift the lower vibrations of the Earth as you lifted yourselves up out of them.

Numerous souls have individually ascended from your world and this includes an onslaught of Masters who incarnated for a few specific Lives on your world before then making their exit and returning to the higher realms, but the souls who have ascended individually have not literally taken the lower vibrations of the Earth with them back to the higher realms; though many have tried and have helped to open up a line of connection with the ascended energies to your world that many in the [Earth]collective did not and have not yet fed.
-------The rate of negative energy you are transmuting even by going through frustrating events is staggering and such a process is aided exponentially and tremendously if you dear souls are able to realize the lower nature of that which you had been experiencing, and transmute such lower nature. Your conscious efforts of working with the Light and transmuting the dark are Creating such a profound impact, that we in the higher realms quite mean it when we say that the ascension of the Earth is being caused by your actions.

Yes, dear souls, this ascension has always been decreed and it was known that the incarnation and mass migration of the Light forces unto your world was needed to attain such an ascension because of the lower acts that the souls incarnate upon your beautiful world have been unknowingly feeding, and it has been the incarnation of all of you dear souls unto this beautiful world as well as your conscious and real efforts in increasing the strong Light of the Creator unto the lowest vibrations and aspects of this world, that is seeing Her able now to exit the rungs of the lower dimensions and take all on Her surface who are ready with Her.

You are all going to be given an equal opportunity to learn about ascension and to ascend yourselves, as [the discussion of] ascension will be one fundamental aspect of the disclosure announcements that you will be given. You will be given insight into the various time cycles and cycles of growth on your world and you are seeing much from a plethora of physical truthseekers about such cycles now, and we will be able to explain such cycles because of the ‘gloom and doom’ predictions that have been unfairly based from the Calendar of your Mayans.

The Mayan Calendar has been purposefully misinterpreted and distorted and, like many actions of the dark, the propaganda that they have fed you about the Mayan Calendar will be utilized as a reason to discuss the Mayan Calendar during the disclosure announcements, which will naturally segway into a discussion of ascension and how we have visited various civilizations in accordance with the strides they were to reach along their growth of such a Calendar.

A very old cycle is coming to an end with the end of your month December and we do indeed ask you dear souls to aim your vibrations toward the highest intents of manifestations for the delivering of higher dimensional energies to your world at the end of your month December.
11 years ago Report
11 years ago Report
Outbackjack: <=======*taps foot impatiently as he waits for the cheque in the mail.
11 years ago Report
lori100: gal fed------ Presently, we are in the final stage of reconstituting our irrevocable world trusts. The documents to achieve this have been issued, and those banks and families who were initially given access to these funds have been informed that the time has arrived for us to gather them back and prepare them for distribution. Simultaneously, we are invoking our legal fiduciary rights to a number of large corporate banks. These legal documents are the basis for all of us to acquire these institutions and reorganize them into banks that can serve the people and help manifest the Divine Will on planet Earth. The distribution of your prosperity funds is soon to occur. On another front, our associates are busy completing the legal documents that legitimize the mass arrests of leadership of major governments and their replacement by a series of designated caretaker regimes.

Our associates are working with the Agarthans and the Galactic Federation to achieve the transference of governance as soon as possible. We are monitoring the individuals most responsible for the dark's control of your world and have had many discussions with them regarding the advent of the Light on this world. Our advice to them is to forsake their dark projects and gladly accept the blessed will and decrees of Heaven. Our aim in these personal discussions with them is simply to help them transition into the Light. -----------We have also laid out clearly to them the alternative scenario of their arrest and punishment by those societies they once so arrogantly controlled.
11 years ago Report
(Post deleted by lori100 10 years ago)
(Post deleted by lori100 10 years ago)
OCD_OCD: LMAO. No chit, Sherlock.
11 years ago Report
lori100: gal fed-----new govt being set up---------Presently, several areas of activity are being brought to completion, forming the foundation of your new reality. As we informed you recently, your world is based on the original legitimacy of certain institutions dating back thousands of years. The individuals who represent these ancient power bases are in the process of creating new documents that will constitute the legal platform for your new form of governance. A series of meetings whose sole agenda is to focus on the complexities of creating a new world are currently underway. Try to imagine the intricacies involved in such an undertaking! Our sacred allies are uniting the ancient foundations of many tribal nations with that of the old monarchies of Europe, Asia, the Americas and Africa. Numerous documents need to be discussed, modified, and interwoven into a specific prototype that renders invalid and thus unseats the current de facto regimes of your world. This authentication process needs to be done properly and in the right order in order to confer legitimacy on this lofty goal.

Our sacred associates understand that what they are doing is producing a legal fusion of the elements that form the essential 'scaffolding' of modern nation-states, whilst also bringing up-to-date the legitimacy of present global tribal governance. What are required are documents that honor common law concepts while forging a new and unique form of global governance. Ultimately, this operation will change the basic concept of government as you know it. Your present indirect (representative) system of governance needs to change via a well-thought-out transfer of power to enable true transparency in government to come into being. The aim is to establish a judicious 'people-power' contract with you. The great thinkers of the late 18th century created documents that achieved this within the context of their times. Now it is necessary to modernize these documents as part of the process of preparing you for your grand shift in consciousness. This is just one of the tasks presently being accomplished behind the scenes.

As you know only too well, you live in a society that constantly threatens basic human rights and this taint is no longer viable. You are also on the brink of forming a true galactic society. You need government documentation that is flexible enough to reflect your growing needs as you morph from your present state of consciousness into your fully conscious one. The first step is to restore all that the dark cabal has illegally taken from you; the next, is to enlarge the body politic to include your Agarthan kin and us. Your world is moving swiftly through a series of inevitable, Heaven-decreed events which will disassemble the evil that this global cabal has put in place over the last few centuries. Your economies are crumbling and the cabal's system of carefully selected leaders is failing to save this group from the multi-faceted catastrophe that it has brought about over the past half-decade. Behind the disintegrating facade a new epoch for humanity is taking shape and it is a process that needs to be supported and actively promoted. Many things, and especially disclosure, need to be brought out from the shadows.

What our sacred allies are doing is thus much more than merely replacing an illegally appointed series of governments. They are opening up your reality to the changes you so desperately require. Heaven has chosen this time for a radical altering of your consciousness, which is being carried out in a series of steps that have taken over two decades to reach this point. The next phase is to be done rather rapidly, which is why we have come to set up a first-contact mission for a world that currently does not meet any of our normal criteria for contact. Once you become fully conscious, you will require our immediate mentoring and advice on how to swiftly create your own galactic society. For nearly two decades, we have been watching and assisting both you and Gaia, and carefully interacting with those on your world who are dedicated to changing how your societies function. The transformation is both spiritual, based upon the decrees of Heaven, and technological; about a century's worth of sequestered devices are to be released.
(Edited by lori100)
11 years ago Report
(Post deleted by lori100 10 years ago)
lori100: gal fed---salusa-------Do you realize that this year in particular you have grown in levels of consciousness to the point where you have more than balanced the dark energies. You have achieved it by attracting the Light to yourselves and grounding it upon Earth.

It has helped to end the domination of the dark Ones, who can only hope to create fear and delay their inevitable defeat. They are not finished, but now we can fully contain them and protect our allies. Their ultimate removal is therefore going to be a mere formality. They can no longer look to the Reptilians for advice, and are but a pale reflection of what they used to be.

It means that the final weeks before Ascension will not be as catastrophic as some of the older predictions indicated. Indeed, with the presence of the Galactic Federation of Light who have the authority to prevent any major setback, you are going to have a fairly comfortable ride for the rest of your journey.
--------Of course, the peace that we talk about is to be yours anyway and will come much quicker than you might anticipate. We have been working with your authorities for a long time to bring it into being, and if possible we aim to bring it in before the year is out. It is something that we will be allowed to enforce, and have the capabilities to do so.

Nothing can be hidden from us, and we will also know if we are being lied to when agreements are drawn up. We would consider that unlikely as by then the “right” people will be leading each nation. There is no time to play around with the future of you all, therefore we will only deal with those who are positive minded and have your best interests at heart.
11 years ago Report
lori100: gal fed-------There are many worlds where there exists intelligent life that make up the higher dimensional universe. Earth is a 3rd dimensional world, and it will soon be raised up into the higher realms along with her children to once again join her brothers and sisters of the higher dimensions. Your planet at one time was a higher dimensional world, but she fell down through the dimensions due to the actions of her children. She now wishes, as a conscious being, to ascend into her rightful place within the Heavenly Realms. It was her children that plunged her deep within the dimensional layers, and it is her children that will now assist her to reclaim her position within the higher realms.
-------------Many tasks of this overall mission are being attended to each and every day with one goal in mind; to allow your planet to raise her frequency sufficiently to allow her to ascend up and out of the lower third dimension where she descended to. Each of you has been hand-picked to be here at this time, do not allow yourselves to believe otherwise, as many beings expressed a desire to journey here for this experience and an opportunity to experience what it is like to ride with a planet through ascension. Not everyone's desire could be accommodated. You are one of the fortunate souls that were chosen to come here, and you were selected because there were those who believed you could get the job done. Many believed in you, and still believe in you today. We know that together you can get the job done, and together you will accomplish what you set out to do.
-------------Looking at the progress you are all contributing to in your own ways, we see you making tremendous strides as you work together as a team. Obstacles that were once stubborn and formidable are now being removed easily and quickly as you steadfastly approach your desired outcome. You will succeed, this is without question, and we see you reaching great milestones just up ahead as you push onwards and upwards. Do not ease up on your efforts as your momentum has reached such force that nothing or no one can stop you now, and all you have hoped for is clearly in reach.
We, the Galactic Federation of Light, will continue to assist you where we feel our talents are most needed, and our members too have trained extensively to offer their services in our joint mission. -----------We are here for you. Backing you up and assisting you in the areas we feel you can benefit from our experience. We are also protecting you as best as we can from any harm, and we wish you to know that although you cannot yet see us, we are there with you as you proceed with your areas of our combined mission. We are in this together, and together we shall achieve victory. This is the only way we will achieve victory, and that is together.
11 years ago Report
OCD_OCD: Are you expecting a chorus of Halleluiahs?
11 years ago Report
Outbackjack: You need to gather us up for distribution of the trust funds?


Let me know when you are ready.

I will be waiting for you in Paddy Hannans,Kalgoorlie and it is definitely your shout.
11 years ago Report
Mz Demeanor
(Post deleted by lori100 10 years ago)
lori100: gal fed------salusa-------Here we are on the verge of a great episode in your journey through duality, that will end with those who are ready to ascend leaving your present dimension. It does not mean that everything will change at once, but it will result in you being elevated to a higher dimension where you are with other souls of a similar vibration. It will ensure a life in which you experience a close harmony and joyful relationship with all souls. The harshness and confrontation you experience now will disappear for good, as those beings who cause such problems are not ready to ascend. Ascension is for those of you who have awakened to their true selves, and aspire to lift themselves up. ------------If you do not consider yourself to be ready but nevertheless wish to ascend, focus on raising yourself up by doing your best to succeed. You will almost certainly do so as at this time, there are massive inputs of energy to your world and you will attract them to yourself. You will know it is happening as few souls can receive the energy without feeling the effects. It can be felt as a slight dizziness and a general feeling of lightness within your body. There are other conditions that may lead you to believe that you are about to fall ill, but will soon pass without any effect. You will certainly find yourself able to remain controlled when faced with disruptive forces, and it is the taming of the emotions that will enable you to reach such a level. At the same time you will be a model example to others who will benefit from your presence.

The Light as ever continues to grow exponentially, and is carrying you forward faster than ever. It will meet its optimum level on the 21st. December 2012 and will trigger the Ascension of Mother Earth and all those souls that are ready to go with her. By then you will have been re-assured about the safety and future of those who take a different path, and all happens as it should according to Universal Law. Put simply it states that no soul can move upwards until they have reached a similar vibration. All are cared for and by the time Ascension comes round, each one will be aware of what is to take place. As a cycle ends there are natural changes, that open up the next phase of your journey that endeavors to take you higher. The opportunities are always there for every soul.

To some extent life continues as before, but already you see the signs of change that are inevitable. How much suffering occurs depends on your Governments, and how quickly they adopt the new ways that are being offered to them. Military might will not delay the changes, although the Illuminati proposed to use it against us if we attempted disclosure and appeared on your Earth. We can easily deal with such threats but do not wish to create conditions that may rebound upon you. We are all for disclosure as soon as possible but it must be against a peaceful background. However, it may come when you least expect it, as there is more than one country that will back such an announcement.

You have been patient for such a long time and that is appreciated, but know that events must get underway very, very soon. We are ready and rely on our allies to prepare the ground so that we can follow on. Until then proceed as normal and take things as they come a day at the time. In time all of your needs will be taken care of, even though some of you will bear more of the inconvenience than others. We are well aware of what is likely to happen, and will not let matters get out of hand. We have looked after you and guided your path for a very long time, and we have a greater presence now than ever before. We are still unable to de-cloak more of our craft until we have removed the threat against us. Once it is however, we shall put on a glorious display to greet you all.

In the early days of UFO sightings we regularly contacted what you would call “ordinary individuals” yet even so their experiences were deliberately held back from you. We even took them on trips around your Solar System, proving that other planets had intelligent life on them, and still attempts were made to suppress the details. With disclosure the evidence will be totally undeniable as you are introduced to humanoids from not just your system, but from other star systems. We have been separated from you for far too long, and share your excitement at the thought of meeting you.

The Galactic Federation of Light is not in any way a military set up, but within the Universe there are forces that we need to protect ourselves against. They are mostly the dark Ones of the Reptilian group, but we hasten to add that there are others of peaceful intent. In your Galactic history there are many stories of mighty wars between civilizations. However, that era has passed and peace has been declared between the warring factions, and part of our duty is to ensure it is kept. On your Earth there is still evidence of their visits, but they are not always recognized for what they are and ignored because it does not fit in with your accepted version of history. In fact much of your history is fiction and bears little resemblance to the truth. These are areas that we shall address, as it is important that the facts are known.
11 years ago Report
xapim: many in your world are facing problems in their personal lives at this time ?it is as you know a time of cleaning out the clutter and illiminating all that you can't take with you on your journey into the higher level and frequencies. there is no judgment here that you should put on yourselves or others..."fas'n your seat belts please, and enjoy the ride"
11 years ago Report
lori100: gal fed------- Take the challenges you have overcome and the lessons you have learned here with you into your new lives and your new beginning. This has been the purpose of many of your experiences here. You can now take this wisdom you have acquired into your new lives and apply it to the situations that will arise that call for it. Are you now beginning to see why you have gone through certain experiences in this lifetime? All your experiences have been for a reason, and none of what you have gone through will be for nothing, as the knowledge and wisdom gained from your experiences will be a very valuable commodity, not only for you, but for many others as well upon your return to the higher realms.
There are many beings who have not had the chance to incarnate into a 3rd dimensional world and learn what you have learned, but upon your return they will have the opportunity to absorb the wisdom you have acquired and gain so much from what the lower physical realms have to offer even without ever having journeyed there. This kind of sharing is but one example of how higher dimensional beings serve one another, and beings from many different Star Systems from throughout this universe will benefit greatly from you and your experiences in this way.
At the present time, there are many of you who harbor buried emotions deep within yourselves of negative experiences. Some of these experiences lie above the meridian between your conscious and subconscious, and some below. Many of you wish you had never had to go through these experiences, but we say to you that these negative experiences were an important part of your journey here, and that many of these experiences were carefully planned by you before your current incarnation. You will understand this much better once you are returned to full consciousness, but for now, do your best to see all of your experiences here as a blessing and something to be cherished and allow them to be cleansed as they must as you continue through your process of ascension.
Many of you have gone through so much throughout your incarnations into the physical, but we say to you that you are drawing so near to the completion of your long journey and you are almost home. Continue on doing your best to see every obstacle and every experience as an opportunity to learn and to grow, and your last months here will be a far more pleasurable experience.
-------------Your experiences through a system of lack and scarcity that has necessitated such a need for competition amongst you is ending and will soon fade away as your old economic system bows to your new system of abundance that will eliminate all your need for financial competition. The implementation of your new system is close at hand, and the path will be cleared for this upon the arrests of the leaders and many associates of your criminal Cabal. We see these arrests as a great milestone for your civilization, as many positive changes are scheduled to commence immediately upon these proceedings. We see the moment when news of these arrests reaches the public through your media outlets as imminent, and ask you for your continued patience and efforts to set the table by sharing the news of these arrests and what they will mean for the people of your world.
11 years ago Report
lori100: gal fed----salusa -------The mind set of those who have opposed your evolution and aimed to prevent Ascension, is focused on self power because they lack the understanding of Oneness, and therefore love for their fellow man. However, they still have their Godspark even if has become very dim, but one day it will light up again.

In the future we of the Galactic Federation of Light will work with the ascended souls, until you become our equals.

You are about to witness the real beginning of the end as the old system falls into chaos. No attempts to restore it will work as it is destined to complete its time in its present dimension.

All souls will achieve what they desire and most have already exercised their freewill choice. It is the reason we ask that you do not attempt to override another souls decision, but allow them to be satisfied that it has been made with their future in mind.

We are as ready as we will ever be to play our part in ensuring your experience of Ascension. Our involvement will soon be apparent, and you will already know that we have been keeping the peace on Earth.

The Presidential elections in the US are a key focal point, that will determine when we exercise our divine authority to bring about beneficial governmental changes. Much hinges on the outcome and it will be a victory for the Light.

From hereon each week that passes should reveal where matters are heading, and there will be the fulfillment of events that are necessary to bring peace to your world.

What is happening is that the Light upon Earth is transmuting the lower vibrations, and whole nations are waking up to the truth. There is a powerful move to unite within those countries that desire peace, and a wish to disassociate themselves from those who do not.

…the various peace movements are reaching more people than ever before. It is the blooming of people power that will bring about the desired results. It is also boosted by the continual input of higher energies from outside of your Earth.
11 years ago Report
lori100: gal fed--------SaLuSa said last year that “we … know what is in the minds of the dark Ones, and they cannot fool us as hard as they try.” (1) On Oct. 22, 2012, he reminded us:

“Nothing happens that we are not aware of even if it is out of our sight. We know the true intent of the different nations regardless of what they say to the outer world. They are in fact divided into those who encourage war, and those who now seek peace even if their history suggests otherwise.” (2)

No official decision is made without their knowledge, he says, which helps them avoid having to confront the cabal directly.

“We oversee government officials, and anyone directly involved in decision making. We are there when covert operations are planned, and our allies and us benefit from such knowledge. It helps us avoid any major actions against you, that might otherwise have caught us off guard. As you have found out, there is nothing quite like a good intelligence system.” (3)

He tells us that they have many ways of knowing and surveilling.

“We cannot be fooled, and we have the means to determine whether people speak truthfully. Indeed, when face to face with you we can tell so from your auras, or read your mind. From our point of view, you can literally be read like a book. We can see if you are spiritually evolved, and such souls emanate such a powerful Light. It is this that you can feel from these ones when they come close to you.” (4)

In addition to their native abilities to see far and penetrate deeply, they have technological means and spiritual means of knowing as the Pleiadian High Council informs us.

“We are able to continually monitor any situation on Earth and have many such monitors sustained and looked upon on our ships.

“Through extremely small Nano-like technology that goes past even the notice of your dark, we are able to monitor any situation and even without the use of such technology, we are able to find everything we need through an easy counseling of the Akashic Records which hold each and every event that has ever manifested on Earth.

“As such, we are keeping our eyes and hearts on Earth constantly and are working with ourselves and with our many liaison teams to see that all that has been predicted to transpire in the time window established will do so as needed.” (5)

They wiull use the Akashic Records to show us our true history, SaLuSa says.

“As you know by now, your history bears little resemblance to the official records, and it is more a matter of hiding the past from your eyes. However, the truth cannot be hidden, and every event that has ever occurred is held within the Hall of Records.” (6)

Archangel Michael and the Pleiadians have told me personally that they read the 2012 Scenario every day. But they also monitor all other news. Here’s SaLuSa on that: “I … tell you that we monitor all of your news, and we are well aware from one minute to the next as to what is going on.” (7)

They use their superior ability to see to guard those who play an important role in the Ascension of the Earth, according to him.

“We have an overall view of it all, as from our place in the skies we are able to monitor what is going on in any part of the world. We guard those of the Light who are especially protected because of their importance to everyone on Earth and have a major part to play in seeing the changes go through as planned.” (8)

The dark know the galactics’ powers and role but can do nothing to stop them, he reveals.

“We are the invisible forces that operate anywhere and everywhere the dark Ones are likely to be. Many of them now know the role we are playing and are reluctantly being forced to accept that they cannot stop progress. Neither can they stop the cleansing that is under way, that also involves making their bases inoperative and their nuclear weapons ineffective and unusable.” (9)

Their wider and deeper viewpoint allows the galactics to see solutions to our problems that we cannot, SaLuSa says.

“There are Man’s attempts to find solutions to your problems, and ours that do not always follow yours. Our view of them means that we see a great deal more, than you can possibly comprehend.” (10)
11 years ago Report
lori100: gal fed---------Be on the lookout for the initiation of these arrests that shall begin very soon. Our Earth allies are in place and are prepared to undertake this massive endeavor. Large numbers of men and even some women will be taken out of your society and into custody where they can no longer interfere with your lives and the proceedings of the events set to unfold in your world.
We would like you to know that great sums of time and effort have been put into the planning stages of these proceedings, and we, the Galactic Federation of Light, would like at this time to thank all our allies in the field who have dedicated so much of their lives to seeing this plan blossom. Humanity will be set free upon these arrests and this we feel is certainly a cause for celebration, and it is celebration we would be very pleased to see. Celebration will help to create the necessary energies that will allow others to feel what this event means to them, as many may be puzzled and even frightened by these proceedings.
-------------Many arrests will occur simultaneously, however, some arrests will follow on successive days. We will do our best to see to it that no disruptions to these arrests are made by outside influences such as the portions of militaries that have not aligned with the plans for your new Earth. They will also be dealt with in due time, but for now, we will simply keep them neutralized so they cannot thwart any of these proceedings.
We always have your safety in mind as a top priority, and we strive to see to it that no harm ever comes to you. Be advised, the cabal wishes to interfere with these arrests even though many of their ranking officials have agreed to surrender to authorities. They will fail at any attempt to stop or slow these proceedings, and we will see to it this is the case and protect our Earth allies and the public as to the best of our abilities.
Keep your eyes to your media outlets. It will soon become clear to you which companies have agreed to cover these events and which ones declined to be a part of this coverage. This will also give you a clue as to which media companies have agreed to align with your new system and even give you some insight as to which media companies will assist in the coming disclosure announcements. In time, we see all media companies complying with the new direction, but for now, the few who have made the commitment will suffice and we thank the men and women of these companies greatly for their courage and commitment to assist in the implementation of your new system.
Your new system will begin to come online within days of the removal of these obstacles who have thwarted every attempt at the initiation of the programs necessary to implement your new system. This is why they are being removed from your society, as we saw no other choice as their stubbornness and arrogance saw no end. This is the bed they have made for themselves and now they must lie in, and it will be quite some time before many of them achieve the necessary restructuring they need to again enter a society freely. We will make sure of this, as other souls need to be protected from these dark hearts.
Your society will also be shielded from these planners and schemers and be free to flourish to heights never before seen on your planet. To reach this goal, many changes will need to be made that will seek improvements in every conceivable area, and these changes will begin immediately upon word that a suitable number of these dark ones have been taken into custody.
The charges against these individuals will be varied, and there will be many charges levied against many of them. This will ensure they cannot wriggle their way out of these proceedings and reenter your society and once again wreak havoc on your systems. Please give us your support and demonstrate this support to others who will not immediately understand these proceedings, and take the time to inform them what they are all about and how their lives will now improve dramatically now that those who have plotted and schemed against them for many decades have been removed from their positions of power. Assure them that all is well, and in fact, have not been better for many long years and that your society will now reap the many benefits that can now safely be made available to you.
---------------Furthermore, we must insist that you all begin to treat each other with the respect you all deserve. Racism, bigotry, and hatred on any level is not suited for worlds that are members of the Galactic community, as this sort of behavior can be seen as a virus or plague and cannot be allowed to spread throughout this and other worlds.
The planets you will be joining in a peaceful and cooperative alliance have themselves shed their 3rd dimensional skin, and have experienced similar challenges and tests just as you have. To permit their worlds to fall backward after they have come so far because we allowed worlds who continue to exhibit signs of lower dimensional behavior to interact with them would be a dereliction of our duties as one of the management teams of this galaxy. We are sure you understand this, and we are certain you will agree that once your world enjoys the advancements of a Galactic society that you too will not wish worlds that may have the power to destroy all you have accomplished to interact with you.
Please understand, we do not wish to control you or force you to do anything you do not as a collective wish, and you do possess a choice at all times to withdraw from the Galactic community and once again isolate yourselves and be quarantined until you once again decide to make a commitment to higher dimensional ideals and virtues. We are confident that once you begin to experience what it is like to be a part of the Galactic community you will make great effort to maintain your communities and to continue to advance as a Galactic society. Not only will your world receive the benefits of advancement, but so too will you, as your programming will be advanced and you will enjoy many new attributes of your physical vessels. We look forward to assisting you in making this great leap from an isolated third dimensional world to a fifth dimensional Galactic civilization, and we are honored to be permitted to be your guides for this momentous occasion.
--------------The next phase of our operation is about to commence, and you will see just what we have been so busy with for many long months and years. The scope of these proceedings is quite enormous, and we are sure many of you will soon see just why none of this could be rushed and patience was instead called for to see the desired outcome achieved. These many investigations and legal processes took many thousands of hours of manpower, and the men and women of your human family who have taken part and have given these processes so much of their time, effort, and dedication, deserve much gratitude from their fellow brethren, and we see a day soon when you will have the opportunity to make your appreciation made known to them.
11 years ago Report
(Post deleted by lori100 10 years ago)
(Post deleted by lori100 10 years ago)
lori100: gal fed----------The entire planet has been engulfed in a plasma field which has recently been activated and acts to keep in higher forms of vibrational energy while allowing darker, more heavy, and lower vibrations to leave unhindered. Once out, they cannot return. It is the beginning of the final phase of purification of your planet. One delay keeping this from occurring sooner was occasioned by your space station which was in an orbit too close to be unaffected by the operation of this field. An agreement has been reached to move this orbit so that the grid can be made operational without adverse affect to humans.

As this energy becomes activated, you will find less and less influence of the Illuminati over your everyday affairs. At first not detectable by your masses, eventually someone will “test the waters” with an act known to be against the ways of the Illuminati and, in doing so, will find no resistance which otherwise would have been expected. This will embolden more to further “push the envelope” until it becomes apparent that the Illuminati, who none could actually see or discern but who knew were ever present, are no longer there, or if they are, are not adverse to the actions taken. As this knowledge becomes more widespread, more and more advances for the good of all mankind will begin to take shape on your world. As that occurs, you will see an ever increasing avalanche of human created movements unimpeded towards that which you all desire--to thrive, to be free, to explore, and be told and find the truth.

It will be a gradual occurrence and yet not gradual at all for decades and millennium will be wiped away in a seeming instant as your people realize they can lead a free existence unimpeded by the control of those who seek to enslave you. As scientists create technologies for the benefit of all and as these things make it to the mainstream and are not “shelved” by those who do not want you to have them, as the financial institutions cater to the needs of the people and not corporations, as politicians create fair and representative laws for all, slowly, but surely, you will see this new world develop.

Our hand in this has been almost invisible, but we have been there. We have set up the field to prevent negative energies from circulating around your planet. We have taken out various negative other worldly groups who had taken up camp in your world for selfish goals, we have prevented other races from coming here during the crucial time of the transfer of energy fields around and on your planet, and we have guided you through this process so that you have remained informed, in touch, motivated, and aware of what is transpiring on your world.

As these matters develop, and as the grip of the Illuminati becomes fainter and fainter, you will learn your true history and will gather strength from its message of hope for all of you. Indeed, you have begun to see it already as discoveries of long lost civilizations begin to emerge in your media. And as all of this dawns upon you as a people, and you become aware of the larger picture, both on your world and throughout the universe, we will come, with open arms, in love and respect for your journey. The process has already begun and we are overseeing so much more on your behalf.

11 years ago Report