Conservationism (Page 4)

If the stars fell
If the stars fell: its designed that way on purpose... its too far gone... we would literally have to purge the entire system and start from scratch if we ever hoped to do it the right way... to many small things that accumulate into larger things... too many small loop holes.. laws... in place... we dont repeal them... we just stack more bullshit on top of it instead of fixing the ones already in place...our system is all fucked up
10 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: yes, now you ae seeing things from the libertarian mindset,. the government makes well-meaning laws, which often have unforeseen negative consequences. then the politicians decides to fix the problem by passing more laws, instead of simply repealing the obviously troublesome old laws. i suggested to use the court system to hold commerce accountable for environmental damages, we dont necessarily need more laws, we just need better lawyers to use the current laws in an innovative way, and succeed, because once a unique court argument finds sucess in 1 courtroom, it becomes an accepted, valid court argument, which can now be used against other offenders- a court precedent: if an argument stands in 1 court, most every other us court is likely to begin accepting this new argument AS A PROPER DIFENSE
10 years ago Report
If the stars fell
If the stars fell: i agree... set a precedent rather than trying to make a law trying to force accomodation... on top of that we need to eliminate lobbying from corporate money as that completely annihilates the point of a democratic system.... it just makes money more powerful than democracy... which is what our system is supposed to be based on... we need dramatic change in how things are run... in my oppinion... money shouldnt equal power in terms of politics.... every persons vote should be equal.... otherwise we are simply bending over backwards to benefit the highest bidder which inevitably harms the majority... and benefits the minority... i really dont understand why anyone has a problem with things being equal and fair... aside from the obvious greed.... which is really no basis for civic implementation...
(Edited by If the stars fell)
10 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: DEFENSE... LIKE DNA EVIDENCE. IT WAs 1ST USED IN THE EARLY 90'S oj SIMPSON TRIAL. SORRY, caps. since oj simpson was the first accused man to have dna evidence used against him, there was NO court precedence to its validity in court, and the jury largely ignored the dna evidence, as the jury had no experiences which indicates that dna evidence was sufficiently accurate. others, still, contemplated dna evidence being easily planted on the crime scene- in light seeming police racism, and others (not to be racist), just percieved db- to convict a man evidence as technical mumbo-jumbo that cant be scrutinized by the juror, and was created to overload a jururs mind and make him feel ignorant akll talking about biology, so, he has to \vote "guilty", if he doent want to admit that dna evidence is as sensible as qa pink bunny thal lays eggs for dead jesus.

as the years passed, however, we have gotten juries to accept dna evidence as groundds to determine guilt. in those years, we, as citizens, have been exposed to dmqa evidence repetedly on crime dramas, criminal cases and paternity tests.

it took several years and wide media exposure to reassure the populus that dna evidence was virtually foolproof. and it alao helps if you dont refer to blacks as niggs... if your the lead detective on a oj simpson trial.

im sure many on the oj jury percieved dna evidence to be quackery, and, the trial itself, a witch hunt, reconing back to tghe late 1800'a, when the kkk would lynch a black if he were aquitted of raping a white woman. i guess, when they starterd using dna evidence against low-lifes of all ethnicitiesm, and not just black athletes who MAY HAVE killED A white women...

the sad thing about racism, is that, even if the oppressors make amends, and grant equal protection and rights to historically pressed peoples, the racism doesnt end there. the oppressed peoples' abuses and trauma, were intentionally planned out to instill a victim mentality, qand not just the slaves, but a victim mentality which would last for many generations. the rudimentary -behavioral modification methods of the american colonial slavers. ending slavery did not reunite red, yellow, black and white, it encouraged such,;; however, the atrocities endured by colonial slaves 150 years ago were so successful at conditioning (of which, i dont even think the colonials knew about, formally). i think pavlov and skinner were a little late for the coloniAL SLAVERY.

the racism may end on the part of the oppressor, or, at least, sink into obscurity- contemporary "racial purists" hiding from the general population in musty cigar smoking rooms here, it the us, there are racists in hiding, but not scheming, not much. the systematic/institutional racism of 60+ years ago is virtually nonexistent on adequately educated areas

point is, you still have individual racists in areas with with high minority crime rates(SOME MAY STEREOTYPE MINORITIES AS CRIMINALS IF MONORITY MUGSHOTS RE ON THE EVENING NEWS EVERY NIGHT., AND ALSO areas with very low minority residents(DIFFICULT TO TRUST WHAT YOU DONT)

the black confederate slaves were freed in 1863, gained suffer rage before women, have tons of scholarships reserved for black students- and, possibly have a slight competitive edge at getting accepted for college or a job that is clearly advertising to hire. others may see the economic disparity as a sign that blacks are not as capable as others;

however, the primary bane of minority success is the fear that institutional racism and the man will always hold them down, so, why try to be something the man will not allow. the abuses and manipulation techniques over the years has created a situation where no legal or courrt action is seen as sufficient evidence of the eradication of racism. any applied job that never materializes may lead to further unbsed tales of modern, and widespread, racism. the slave owners discipline was a pre--cursur to pavlovs and skinners conditioning methods, and was so brutal and mentally abusive that it seems they caused resentment and anti-white racism for several generations now. i dont know how to make such deeply imbedded delusions go away for millions of americans
10 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: many business laws and regulations are lobbied into code by large corporations, because they know they have a suficciently large legal staff to keep them "technically" in compliance with the law, while they know start-up would-be compeditors would never be able to comply with the new business regulations.

while lobbyist bribes are illegal, this is usually only enforced in case of a cash bribe. generally, lobyinsts can treat legislaors to 4 star dinners (perhaps 3 star, dc may not have a true 4 star, tho im sure they claim one) and perhaps some travelling- under the guise of discussing legal business in a stress-free atmosphere. the biggest legal bribe, however, is a seat on a non-profit board. give the senators wifie a seat on unicef's board, with a salary of 1/2 mill, for 2 hours worth of "work" a month, attending board meetings, to decide who or what else they can buy off with their charity money. when people claim that corporations OWN the govt- they rarely realize that non-profits have a whole lot more buying power (since profit is no concern, and theyre tax exempt), and very gracious legal leeway, regarding the board chair scam..

the us passes around 40,000 new laws every year just imagine the challenge of keeping your doors open to your private, one-location restaraunt, without a platoon of business lawyers. then, imagine how much expendableincome your busines would ned to pay the law team for the several days it will take them to identify all applicable laws. and THEN, you need to be sure to comply with every one of those hundreds of thousands of business regulations.

day after day, you barely break even, and you got bout zip left in the business account, and, then, one day,, a predatory lawyer recruits a parapalegic to take a tape measurer into your bathroon, to show that the sink now violates disibility access, since the recent upgrade to ceramic tiles made the floor slightly higher, higher enough that the mirror is 1/8 of an inch too low for someone in a wheelchair to pop their zits, pluck their nose hair, and wipe the attached booger on the mirror.
10 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: i respect the notions of equality and fairness; however, they are relative, and this is occasionally utelized by those with alterior motives, to incite some public display to condem an occasionally exagerrated, or emotionally -charged demi-woe of society, like wage disparity. , so, i could not fully support any and every movement which claims to promote these important cultural standards. not that i think its fair that some struggle to eat, while others shit little bricks of gold, but, most of the arguments used to remedy the inequality are emotional pleas, not logical thesis.

besides, the wealth disparity in america is primarily relative poberty- it just means you dont have as much stuff as mitt romney. cry me a river... when i see someone panhandling, and i got some cash, i do my part, and i do it face to face with the person in need, and i do my best to discriminate, to aviod supporting frauds.

the government hardly ha a great track rceord of either eliminating homelessness, nor do they even make the smallest effort to weed out welfare fraud. we should actually spend MORE money on social workers, so they can visit the house, carefully examine them for potential menal deficienciew which could explain their prolems staying in work, and treat them accordingly. if they dont have a legitimate disability, they are elther lazy or a fraud, me thinks. several monthsof welfare benefits may be noble for emergencies, but long-term welfare should be carefully investigated, and a sliding scale system would be helpful, by encouraging the taking of a part time job without the income disqualifying you from all welfare benefits.

i also think that volunteer work should be required for the able bodied on public assistance- perhaps, even unemployment insurance, to a lesser degree, since youre expected to spend a lot of time lookng and interviewing for jobs on unemployment) non-profit positions look great on resume, they occasionally give you an impresive title, because non-profits generally utilize as much talent as they can, which means, you may have an odd mix of job duties. a hiring manager will rarely ask if your position at the non-profit was voluntary, and, even if he finds out it was volunteer work, he may still be impressed with your character, or willingness to work extra hard and long. if you can get a GREAT rep from a job you worked for free, a hiring manager might get curious as to how hard you would wirk if paid adequately

it is just very hard to put fairnes and equality into law, its better suited for litigation, we already have the right to equal protection; howwever, the concept of everyone being equal in every way is obsurd, and the notion that the government need make everyone equal is just asking for states going bankrupt, and the us defaulting on the national debt and medicare.

the notion that all men are created equal referrs to the equal worth lf all humans, the noble assertion that the value of human life is equal for all humans, and, equal protection is to guarantee that any legal issues guarantee to honor the equal human worth and rights endowed to us all.

i treat people, personally, with equality and fairness. i believe that in the 1960's, the civil rights act of 1964 was essentially neccesitated by the horrendus discriminatory practices at the time. today, however, usinesses think like i do, treat everyone, even minorities, with respect and fairness- if you wish them to purchase a product or service from you. the civil rights act of 64 likely expediated the end of institutional racism; however, at this current level of social evolution, rare would a business owner refuse payment due to skin color. no matter what color the hand, the cash is still green. sure, back in the first half of the 20h centure, bsiness owners woud rufuse cash over ethnicity, due to stereotypes of said minorities. the integration necessitated by the civil rights act helped reduce negative minority stereotypes, as these minority customers proved themselves that minorities trashed, stunk-up and/acounded on hotel rooms no more than the traditional caucasion customers. people fear what they do not know, so, a whte who has limited interactions with blacks will be more prone to stereotype, out of ignorance. same for a black young man whom has never had many positive dealings with whites or hispanics, people naturally mistrust what they do not understand. segregated neighborhoods are key in alleviating racial tensions. mayeb your racist against mexicans, but one moves in next door, and turns out to be a nice guy- then, youre starting to question your biases about mexicans, and that would have never happened if yo lived in a segregated neichborhood, everyone the same ethnicity as yourself...
10 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: wouldnt you know, i couldnt find any sites, not even govt propoganda, which listed the highest co2 absorbing plants. i know the government larely subsidizes corn and other unhealthy veggies, if we were to be prudent, wouldnt that call for subsidizing the cultivation of, idk, nutritionous plants that benefit, and not harm, the atmospheric balance.

all this corn subsidation is to make it affordable to put corn liquor (ethanol)in gasoline, which reduces foreign oil dependency by around 5%, but is more pollutive than petrol. using corn as a fuel also reduces the corn available for livestock corn meal, thus, leading your butcher to raise prices
10 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: there are so many ways to curb climate change, and, honestly, its a REAL long way off, but its gona be damn hard to fix the oceans, or it wil eventually come. going vegan, or, even reducing your meat consmption by 6% could also nullify climate change. i have said that i fully support enviromnental lawsuits against irresponsible businesses, but, due to the wage disparity i described earlier, bi believe that attempting to reduce fuel usage by making it more expensive will lead to older people ending up with their utilities disconected- hoping not to die in the florida summer heat, just like some elderly person does every summer and winter, even without the said law.
10 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: so, lets say that high performance cars and speedboats take a special racing gas, (yaghts are likely diesel, i believe, which, isnt perfect, but its more eficcient than gasoline) as does nascar, f1, road and track, car and driver top gear, and ect... instead of making gasoline more expensive across the board, so the widow granny gets hit with a $70 total to fill up her mercury, and $700 to heat her house.

just make the high performance gasses highly taxed, not regular octane grades, , since granny driving to the pharmacy is a necessity, but car racing is only a necessity to an annancephilactic. and then use the tax to build more renewable energy sources. nuclear is safe if it is guaranteed to be far from a fault line, if it is cooled with inert gasses, not the cherinobyl graphite moderator disaster, and assuming we have adequate disposal methods for spent fuel rods.

wind power is up in the air, at present, because the us turbine manufacturers do a shitty job at matching adjacent metals which expand and contract with temperature similarly enough to prevent excessive maintainance and costly repairs- as is the present case, unequally expanding adjacent alloys grinding metal and destroying trubines/bearings and such.

solar is perfectly feasable, given that the geogrphy allows the solar collectors to be placed extremely close to the point of consumption, as desert solar collectors, dozens of miles from a metro area, lose a signifigant amount of the power initialy produced due to travelling over many miles of power lines. a loan program,, of 1.2 trillion (way less than what obama borroawd from china to pay the banker ceo's bonuses...)and, this loan program woudl be secured and a safe bet. with 1.2 trill, you could lend enough money to equip every single family home in the us with a complete solar array. a $ 20,000 array/battery install will fully power the average home. and a lot more people have smaller homes than bigger ones, so, it should balance out, financially. the owners of the new solar panels could easily pay the loan back, just with the money they no longer have to spend on utilities, with the average homeowner being able to pay back the 20,000 in 7 years, just using money otherwise for utilities, and, after its paid, no more utility bills, no more coal and oil burning plants!!1

but, seriously, where can we build another hoover dam, without causing major chatastrophe dwonstream? if you wana talk renewable energy, a water turbine set-up and large dam is prolly the most eficcient , cleanest, and, potentially, the most powerful next to a nuclear facility.
10 years ago Report
LiptonCambell: >>>no im not talking about you in particular

Could've fooled me. Lets review those comments again, shall we?;

"your greed and sefishness hurts others"

" you are unwilling to contribute to the betterment of the lives of other people"

"unless you make a substantial profit from it"

" you have a majority of all the money and you keep it for yourself"

So, by saying "You", you really mean "someone else"?

Do you not understand what you just wrote was nonsense? You clearly blamed me for all the economic problems of the world. Own up to your statements.

>>>i cant house every homeless person in the world

And can I? Its the same problem we keep having- if you can't do everything, you won't do anything. You personally could easily fit 3-30 more people in your home, maybe more, depending on it's size- but you choose not to, while condemning others for coming to the same conclusion you have.

Do you think, for that 3 homeless people that you could invite, that they care that the rest of the world isn't acting the same? Or do they simply want a warm place to sleep at night?

>>>the point is, people would rather let a building rot to rubble rather than let a homeless person live within it if they cant maximize their profit...

Why. Don't. You. Buy. It?

You seem to have all the answers on what other people should do, and how other people should live their lives- but you seem incapable of following your own advice.

Other people are assholes for not following your beliefs- but you are a martyr for defying your own beliefs and instead choosing your own personal comfort above the livelihoods of others- because nothing is worth doing unless other people do it with you. Gotcha.
10 years ago Report
If the stars fell
If the stars fell: you are clearly a selfish person, but you have no power, get over yourself... you view being greedy as an admirable trait... thats why you are part of the problem... not because you have any control...
(Edited by If the stars fell)
10 years ago Report
If the stars fell
If the stars fell: clearly you an issue with context... i dont have 50 billion dollars to just do whatever i want to whenever i want to, if you think its that easy to just "go out and buy it" then you missed the point entirely.... ill just go out and buy every plot of land and empty building shall i? thats realistic lol you are blatantly ignoring the points ive made... and use things i never even said... in fact the opposite of what ive said.... as if that affirms your righteousness.... you just dont want to be called out for being selfish and hateful... because it shows how ugly you are inside...
(Edited by If the stars fell)
10 years ago Report
If the stars fell
If the stars fell: and theres a big difference between wasting an empty building, and letting 30 homeless people live in your house.... i shouldnt even have to if theres enough of them to go around, that would be otherwise wasted.... which there are... clearly you have no concept of how things are in my country... you dont even live here, so you are talkin out of your ass
10 years ago Report
If the stars fell
If the stars fell: how about you make a valid point about your point of view instead of just trying to tear down everyone elses? lol ive made MANY points.... youve done nothing but criticize the points ive made... tell me... in a perfect world, what would lord limptoncampbell ruler of all the worlds wealth do? buy a hundred mansions? own 70% of the world land just so you can exclude other people from using it? tell me.... YOU actually make a point about what YOU think for a change... and yes... its hypothetical, not literal.... put up or shut up...
(Edited by If the stars fell)
10 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: a mans worth is not measured by his wealth, power or intellectual acuity, all men have equal human worth(dignity), but, the true judge of a man is his character. true, rich people sometimes have poor character when it comes to whoarding their money-greed, they become addicted to it; however, to demand charity of a rich person is also a sign of poor character- jealousy.... greed and jealousy, they are basically the same sin, one loves the wealth he has, an the other loves someone elses wealth and schemes to aquire it.

since when is there cumpulsory charity. im not assuming that anyone in this thread holds the bible as flawless and incredibly wise, but i will share a bit of it to clear up this whole charity thing...

for one, jesus, in the temple pointed out a widow to his disciples, as she was putting a very low-denomonation coin, a mite, in the collections. jesus stated that god was MOST pleased by the widows mite, for, tho it is only comparable to a quarter, it was a sacrifice for her to donate it, for she had so little to begin with. jesus went on to explain that this widow earned more favor from god for her tiny donation,even more than the thousands donated by the rich, for the thousands they donated were chump change, in relation to their net worth.

in gods eyes, it isnt about how much you accomplish, but how much you sacrifice. its more about motivation than just action alone. its comparable to the different levels of manslaughter and murder, punishments are increased as motivatiion and premeditation are uncovered, as well as then new trend of "hate" laws.

more to the point- 2 corinthians 9:7 Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

god wants us to give happily and willingly, when it comes to good deeds, god considers the motivations. just going thru the motions, performing the actions out of a sense of duty or other compulsion- surely it will benefit the needy; however, it will not lead god to find pleasure in you, if your charity is not voluntary and without regret. NO ONE is happy when they pay their taxes, thus, cumpulsory charity thru taxes nullifies the good kharma of the payee, and the governt squanders 99% of those taxes, with only pennies actually tickling down to the needy. next time someone mocks "trickle down economics", ill describe how the government does it way worse than regan.

im sorry to have to use the bible to get my point across, and i am prepared for yall to disregard or mock my use of a worn-out trick,; however, even if the bible is "broken", well, even a broken clock is right twice a day, 3 times for daylight savings, and NEVER right, if its a vcr. , the bible is ancient, like a sundial, so its more like an analog clock, but it might only be right once a day

lipton is absolutely right, you shouldnt condem him for not letting 30 homeless people in his property, when you dont even bother boarding 3 homeless people. but, hes also wrong, because homeless people will burn your house to the ground, if they even suspect your gonna ask them to move on... i dont blame either of you for not taking the homeless in, you have to be very discriminitory, and know your local laws in regards to such instances.

besides, i have taken homeless people in before. that doesnt make me king altruism, more like king of the loony bin. they tried to get me arrested, so that they cold live for free in my house, while the forclosure dragged on for prolly a year- luckily i was MUCH smarter than them, especially about the law, and i told them that if they dare present "evidence" to the cop they had called, it would be in their posession, and they would be arrested. i mean, who doesnt know to flush unmentionables down the toilet.

they also brought fleas in a jar, and planted them on my cat, to try to get me in trouble with animal control. they were crazy as loons, and thats coming from someone with a schizo type disorder, if i can recognize that there was no one home, in my mental state, they gotta be poo poo for shitgoo puffs

people also say not to gove money to the homeless, cause they will just waste it on liquor or drugs; however, if i had to sleep nder a bush in near freezing weather, some cheap liquor might be the only way to create a tolerable sleeping situation. if i pass a begger that looks legit, like a vietnam vet, ill give him enough for a few mcdonalds value menu items, just enough to eat, not enough to retire for the evening and begin drinking. if they need to drink on cold nights to keep warm, thats fine, but, im not gonna enable them to take the afternoon off and drink away a perfectly good panhandling day. if he sticks at it for most of the day, hes got a chance of having money for a motel.

most homeless people are mentally ill, and the alcohol is also to alleviate their troubled minds, not having access to proper healthcare or more satisfactory medicines. being that they are mostly mentally ill, and the rest are hard drug users, and prolly on their way to frying their brain synapses, its not wise to house them, much safer to just pay for a hotel room for them for the night, or take them out for a cheap meal. as they are often mentally ill, they prolly lost all friends and family members, from exibiting concerning, erradic behaviour. the only real solution i see to homelessness is better mental health care. hospitals are so concerned about ythe $2500 a day a patient racks up in the loony ward that they perscribe mendicines, with no concern as to how they will afford them, and put them back on the street before their little vacation reached a $20,000 price tag. thats how the mental system works, they catch you acting ludicrously dangerous, drug ya till your coherent, then release you, without regards to how you are going to continue filling the perscriptions, and left with a $20,000 debt.

i strongly feels that the government overspends on social programs, but mental health is an area important enough, that we shoudl carefully examine the excess, waste and fraud of welfare programs for the able bidied and sound minded, and divert the formerly squandered welfare funds into subsidized mental health phacilities. its very unfair to the mental ward inmate, as a "judge" can commit anyone, acting unpredictable, against their will, under the guise of "danger to self or others", and, even though the patient insisted that he was not a danger, nor was he clearly "proven" a danger, he cound still beforcebly admitted to the medical phacility, AND has to pay the $20,000 a week billl; regardless to how calm and sensible he was when he stated his objections.

its very simple, if the state forces you to undergo medical treatment, the state should pay for it. if one was having a heart attack, it could be accurately assumed that he would ask for an ambulance, if able still to talk. its totally diferrent to forceably commit an individual with no life threataning condition, just because he invented time- in this situation, no assumption of voluntary admission can be made, and no matter how loosely the judge interperts "danger".. of course, sci fi tells us that time travel can be dangerous, but is dr who really credible court evidence?

back to the dwellers of the outside

if you wish to house the homeless, i reccomend that you do not use your primary residence, and that you get them to sign forms that it is "emergency shelter", thus, they have no right to an eviction notice period. in most states, if you take someone in out of compassion or charity, they are not granted the normal 2 week eviction, but must leave immediately when asked; however, since they arent on a lease, you cant get the sherrif to evict them, you just have to insist repeatedly that they have overstayed their welcome, until they get unruly, and then you can call the cops for public disturbance, verbal assault, ect...

one who has deep reservations about sheltering the homeless in their primary residence arent heartless, they merely have keen survival instincts. trust me, homeless peopel need help, but you cannot give them the help they need under your own roof, they often need to be under the roof of a mental ward, but public funds are bascent in this area, apparently, its more important to provide welfare, foodstamps, utility stipends and public housing to the able- bodied, sound-minded, perfectly capable individuals, then to get the homeless and disabled into treatment, that wont turn them back out on the street with no way to afford the proper medication.

charity is associated with the needy. who would you say is needy, a single mother whod rather have her own public apartment and welfare, than to live with her family, friends, or baby dady, so someone can babysit, and the mother can get into the all-important job market.

is that person who makes every effort to avoid being a productive member of society, despite them being capable, havinga sound body and mind- is that person truly needy compared to a mentally ill, unmedicated individual living on the street, tapped in a hell within his own mind, sleeping in the elements, who has no family to turn to, as his unmedicated condition has caused many burned bridges, and who cannot hold a job without proper medication.

who is needy, the able, or the unable? minorities should be ashamed to refer to themselves as "disadvantaged", when i see a vet on tv with no legs and only 1 arm, at that moment, i know that i am hardly disadvantaged, and my "disability" is barely anything to complain about, cause ive been able to hold work ever since i got medicated, and im not accepting any hand-outs. i have a small diability insurance settlement, and i still work, with the hopes of getting my eccentrics and moodiness in line and getting a real job, like i had before i was sick.

throwing money at a problem is an ameteur tactic. if it worked, then explain the us's public school system. raising taxes would just be a drain on the economy, if the government continues to malinvest its revenues. the biggest hinderance is the baseless race card play... "you want to cut welfare to hurt blacks". well, whoever said that is a racist, cause there are about 20% more whites on welfare than blacks, blacks are in no way the majority recipients of public assistance, and for a politician to assume so would imply that the politician percieves that blacks truly NEED welfare, and implying that someone NEEDS public assistance is just a polite way to say that a very large percentage of blacks are not capable of self suficciency. so, there, the ery politicians who claim to be the champion of minorities and public assistance prove their racism when they insist that minorities need welfare, as if they are helpless without.

all it comes down to is this... black people vote democrat, christians, often, big bisness moguls and gun enthusiasts vote republican, and loonies vote libreterian, if they remember polling day. being that the dems and reps hold all the power, and the libs have nothing but curious, but confused open ears. because we dont vote dem or rep, the dems and reps dont do shit for us. politicians dont pass and repeal laws to benefit the country, they only do it to keep their party constituents voting on the party line.

all this politian talk about helping the middle class???? tfuk, theres tens of thousands of homeless, sick vets, and we let them rot, and instead make the middle class a little more comfortable. people do claim that the reps only care about the rich; however, i know for a fact that the reps are committed to the programs for the legitimately needy- they are trying so hard to keep social security and disability funded, but get lambasted when they try to use the "black welfare" money to help the elderly and ill. if viiting people of all races in nursing homes makes me a racist, just cause i dont ONLY visit the black patients, by those terms, ill take being called racist, better to be falsely derrogotated than to be ideologically manipulated
10 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: the republicans dont count on the mentally disabled vote, but they really like keeping florida a red state, and, if they led social security go insolvent,they will lose florida, and prolly several other bible-belt states, because aduld children of gerriatrics absolutely abhore having to help their ailing parents with bills. if just medicaid copays are raised a bit, the entire baby boomer generation will be outrageous about having to contribute to their parents care, its really greedy, honestly. your parents took care of you when you were a kid, paid for a broken leg, many dentist visits, food, housing, toys, clothes, and after all your parents paid for when you were a helpless child, there will be hell to pay if you have to foot your parents bill in their time of helplessness. if the baby boomers wont tolerate any noticeable medicare copay changes, imagine the public disorder if social security completely collapses.

like i said, us loonies sitck together and vote libreterian. ron paul is notorious for his staunch opposition to "preemptive strikes", and the gop thinks hes crazy and suicidal; however, truth be told, the middle east and noth korea are trying to lure us to invade, by acting all sketchy and suspicious. they WANT us to make the first strike, so, that way, they can claim the us as an aggressor, and find allies. im confident that this was the plan underlying 9/11. we spent years in afghanistan,, terrorizing poor natives and writing off "collaterral damage" like star wars I-III while ben laden was hiding within the borders of our GOOD aly, packistan. and that intelligence blair slipped us about saddams liiegal weapon stashes, i think he knew it was false, or outdated, and he just wanted the us to invade iraq and make us wear egg on our faces.

ron paul i also notorious for wanting to shut down federal office after office, most fear hes trying to dismantle the government untill we are back at 1781, however, the 1 governmental agency he swore to protect to the end was social security, he never eally agreed that social security is a constitutional function of government, and he is a bit ayn randish about safety nets- irregardless, he stated that, despite his reserations about public assistance, the promise had been made to the american public that there would be a retirement and disability fund, and people now depend on it, so, he vowed that he would not allow the government to go back on its promise- in essence, he feels very strongly about a truthful and transparent goverment, so much so, that he has promised to make no attempt to dimantle social security, and will make every effort to keep it funded.
10 years ago Report
If the stars fell
If the stars fell: ultimately my points arent even about money... its about people helping people... we have long lost the will and motivation to work together for common goals... when i say selfish im not just talking about the dollar... but the dollar is a huge factor as not only does it buy the things that people need... not only is it essential to living in society... but it motivates a lot of people that only care about the self to put themselves above other people... and they OFTEN ruin lives just to have it...
if we all contributed what we could to making the world a better place, wether it be a dollar, a sandwich, a kind ear... a good friend... the world would be a substantially better place for everyone... i really dont see an issue with this....
like a homeless man... you say "get a job" like its just that simple... when this man has been wearing the same clothes for 3 months, sleeping by a dumpster and can barely forma cohesive sentence... there are exceptions to every rule of course... bu they the exception, not the majority...
theres a lot of things we can do if we only worked together for the common good... i NEVER said i wont try because i cant do enough... i said i will continue to try even if it was doomed from the get go... im only one man... and it takes everyone doing their part...
(Edited by If the stars fell)
10 years ago Report
If the stars fell
If the stars fell: and on a side note.... i have zero room to house large amounts of homeless people, and i have little to know money to feed and cloth them either... i cant tell you how many times ive given my last dollar, or some change to a needy person.... one time someone gave me 5 dollars because they thought i was homeless, i turned right around and gave it to an actual homeless person... so yeah... i try the best i can when i can to help who i can.... if you think that makes me evil or wrong then... well... we will obviously never agree... but if you think it makes you better than me... you couldnt be more wrong... its not about being better.... its about trying to do whats right regardless of wether or not you benefit from it...
(Edited by If the stars fell)
10 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: i feel you. the reason i so often hand a few bucks to beggars, and occasionally get out and have conversations, and share cigarretes, is because i could see myself ending up in that situation very easily. my roommate pitched a bitch fit last night, cause there was a cigarrette burn on the couch, had been there for days, i figgured he did it and knew about it, so why tell him about it. well, he woulldnt even consider the possibility that he did it himself, even tho theres another coushin that he has burned 3x- still not fixerd, and he wanted me to immediately shell out $450 i dont have to repair a couch that i dont even think i burned. i tried to tell him that he wasnt all speedy gonzalex about fixing the holes he knew he burned, and said its only a thing anyway, that will eventually rot, no mattter what, wo which he replied, well i care about my couch a whole lot more than you. i dont know if i can tolerate this facism, andi dont knowi my parents will let me stayt there, and i know my sister wont even let me crash on the couch, because she has LOTS of scandilous secrets, so, she cant have me lurkin around.
10 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: additionally, every time my condition flares up, he threatans to kick me out, i am honestly intolerable to live with, i try not to be, but, if my parents wont let me stay with them, i might have to move 1400 miles away- IF theres still a room for me there...

how can you tolerate being demanded big money to repair something that cant even be proven to be my fault? "well, i know i didnt do it, so you did it" and thats it.
10 years ago Report
If the stars fell
If the stars fell: i know just what you mean... i know all too well what its like to have nothing... what its like to starve when everyone else around you has more than enough, or not being hired for jobs because no one will give you a chance... the reason i feel so strongly about helping people in need is because ive been there before.... and as you said, i can imagine a possible future where that applies to me again... i didnt even bend over backwards to get aid... i tried to change it the best i could... but its really hard to get out and do something to change it when you are starving, when you have no money for clothes or transportation... its easy to say that people dont deserve it when its never happened to you before...
(Edited by If the stars fell)
10 years ago Report
If the stars fell
If the stars fell: yeah people are often unreasonable... that situation with the couch sounds retarded... and its pretty sad that someone can care more about a couch than they do about another person... i feel ya man
10 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: well, i really lost all respect for my roomate when he said he cared more about his couch than me. i mean, sure, he may primarily see ma as a sounrce of income, but im hella more useful than his couch, that loaf dont pay the bills, and dont listen to him when hes had it bad at work and wants to vent. he is always claiming that i continually dump on him when i get anxious, and he acts like its intolerable, but he has anxiety too, and vents at me, i sit there, and politely listen, and he totally denys doing it,m while exagerrating about how i deal with my anxiety
10 years ago Report
If the stars fell
If the stars fell: people are often hypocritical about such things... screaming from the rooftops that something is unfair... but then turning around and doing it themselves... i personally cant imagine valuing an object more than a person thats supposed to be a friend... especially when i have so much in common with them... youd think there would be some degree of mutual understanding
10 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: there will be, when the couch is patched. luckily i just found an lod friends number that can do it, AND FOR SURE, GIMME THE BRO BRO DISCOUNT. OR, I COULD JUST MOVE OUT, AND TELL HIM ill fix the couch when he proves i burned it to a jury

10 years ago Report