Starmaker by Olaf Stapledon

Quantum Zero31
Quantum Zero31: Ive only read a small part of Starmaker, but the amount of detail Ive already seen it SEEMED to come, and be expressed SO easily that I cannot help BUT think that he actually experienced what he wrote IN Starmaker personally
Ok I could be lacking in some measure of a higher imagination! Thats ok, but one detail struck me recently! about a super earth sized planet with mostly water on its surface! and with just a small amount of islands scattered around. IF this story wasnt edited for a more modern wisdom then could it have been known, in the 1930s that such a planetary body could possibly exist?

I would REALLY like to know if the writer could have been in tune with the heart of a universal consciousness! Cos so much of what he wrote touched me in such a deep way that it really just took my breath away in its magnitude, and scope already
9 years ago Report
Quantum Zero31
Quantum Zero31: So, what do I wanna read now after a human description of the creating of many universes???
Thinking that many works will now seem paled by comparsion! :/
9 years ago Report