York Chat

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'Sup! Few rules: don't be rude, don't be crude and don't be an asshole. Don't start your shitty pickup lines with something offensive, sexual or just plain creepy, because I won't respond. No...
York • Female • 30 years old
York • Male • 37 years old
York • Female • 33 years old
Conversations should be interesting and engaging. Too many just turn into a list of closed questions or comments with no follow-up, which results in losing my attention. I do disable my PM's from...
York • Female • 19 years old
Im Emma. I play flute and sax. I also do alot of mountain climbing 4 example im going on an expedition 2 svalbard in the arctic this summer. So im quite adventurous. But im also quite shy. I also...
York • Female • 32 years old
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